Chapter Four: The Apprentice and the Son

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Walking along the shining white corridors, Sabine couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She was about to meet Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion. Of course, she had been part of the Alliance long before him, but she still respected everything he had accomplished in the past few years, and that respect gave her the jitters as her and Ahsoka were escorted by several rebel soldiers. Seeing the troopers in their black jackets and grey overalls, with their little white helmets, again caused Sabine to think back to Phoenix Squadron. She wondered if any of the pilots she used to know were still alive today. Her thoughts were interrupted when the automatic doors ahead of them opened up with a hiss. The four soldiers escorting them each moved to the side of the corridor, gesturing for the pair to enter the bridge. After a moment of hesitation, they entered, and as Sabine saw the numerous technicians busily working, she was reminded of Commander Sato's old corvette, the Liberator. In the centre of the chaotic scene, leaning on a holo-table, stood the general that she had been so nervous to meet, Luke Skywalker. He truly was a sight to behold, dressed in a black uniform with a light brown Jedi cloak wrapped over his shoulder. His outfit caused him to stand out from the rest of the rebels on the bridge, and rightly so, he was a hero in every definition of the word. But despite his status, he seemed so human. He smiled warmly at the pair and, with a gesture of his hand, beckoned them to join him.
"Sabine Wren. It's an honour, I've heard all about you. Nice work on Lothal" Skywalker said in a gentle tone, Sabine found herself amazed at his normality.
"Thank you" she said in a tone of slight embarrassment, unused to being the centre of attention.
"And you, now tell me, are you who I think you are?" Luke asked, turning to Ahsoka with a truly curious gaze.
"I imagine so" the togruta responded with a smile.
"You served with my father in the Clone Wars? You were his apprentice? I'm sure you can tell me some great stories of him, know" Luke said, initially excited but turning a little sad towards the end of his sentence.
"You wouldn't believe them if I told them. You know he once rode a reek in the centre of a gladiatorial arena?" Ahsoka replied, causing Luke to raise his eyes in shock.
"Wow, I could hear those tales for hours, but considering our situation right now, I would say the better idea would be to ask what you want. Are you here to help with the operation? I sense not, what other path do you follow?" Luke asked.

Ahsoka smiled mysteriously. The trio moved out of the centre of the room and off to a small bench in the corner to continue their conversation with a little more privacy.
"A long time ago" Ahsoka began in an enigmatic voice "a Jedi was lost. We intend to bring him home".
"The only possible Jedi I have heard of that you could be referring to would be, well, would be Ezra Bridger. Is he the one you seek?" Luke asked, curious to hear more.
"Yes" Sabine spoke up quickly "do you know anything that could help us?"
"I just might. A little while ago, I investigated a faraway planet called Pillio, the site of one of the Emperor's old observatories. I was seeking this, a compass" Luke explained, pulling a small circular device from his pocket and presenting it to Ahsoka.

The togruta gasped at the sight of it, as if she recognised it from a time long since passed. She carefully took it from Luke's hands and held it up, examining the symbols printed across it.
"This is an artefact indeed, I once saw something similar in the vaults of the Jedi Temple. I sense it will lead you to new places" she commented before respectfully passing it back.
"What does all of this have to do with Ezra?" Sabine asked, not as well versed in this talk of the force as her company.
"The compass was not all that was inside that observatory, and thanks to some...personal motivation, I do believe that the imperial I encountered there did not destroy the place. I sense that it would be a good place to start with your search" Luke explained, carefully placing the mysterious compass back in his pocket.
"Thank you, we simply needed somewhere to start" Ahsoka stated, beginning to stand up.
"Before you go, I have to ask..." Luke began.
"Yes?" Ahsoka questioned curiously.
"If you have been alive, all of this time, why not help the cause? I know from records that you used to be part of the Alliance, in the early days. You called yourself Fulcrum. Where have you been all of these years?" Skywalker asked, using a tone that sounded almost like betrayal.

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