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With the eruption of Thrawn's frigate, and the death of the treacherous admiral, all of the droid fighters that had managed to take off lost their central command signal and were left floating through space, deactivated. This show of power from the New Republic demoralised the imperial remnants, causing many of them to surrender after a few days. Those who continued to fight soon found themselves outnumbered, and fled into the Unknown Regions, they would probably never be heard from again. The New Republic rose to power, and established a new rule of authority on the planet Chandrila. They decided against using Coruscant as a capital, after its connotations and connections to the Old Empire. Heroes like Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker helped to raise this infant government out of the ground, protecting it from new threats while helping to spread peace and democracy to a troubled galaxy.

The Ghost, with Ezra and Sabine on board, narrowly escaped the blast of the frigate, docking with the Redemption shortly afterwards. A second ship, under the title of The Gauntlet, soon followed them, carrying Ahsoka and Skorn to safety as well. Once the Battle of Jakku reached its climax, Ezra followed his previous promise and pulled himself away from a military life. The death that he'd witnessed over his time with the Rebellion had changed him, and he wasn't sure that it was for the better. Thrawn was by no means an innocent soul, but Ezra had murdered him in cold blood, a deed that would haunt is darker dreams for some time to follow. To ease his spirit, and confirm what he had sacrificed so much for, he decided to return to his home planet, eager to see what it looked like without the dark shadow of the Empire looming over it. And so, just one week after the Battle of Jakku, the Jedi found himself stood in Sabine's high-end apartment, watching over the skyline of Lothal.
"They're almost ready upstairs...quite a party that they've prepared for your return...I hear Hera even managed to acquire some meilooruns" Ahsoka stated, startling Bridger from behind. Ezra did not turn around, instead continuing to stare out of the window, utterly engrossed in the view before him.
"That's...good..." he whispered slowly, not really thinking about what he was saying.
"Something is troubling you" Ahsoka commented, gently turning the boy around to face her. Ezra tried to avoid her gaze, but ended up looking into her eyes anyway.
"Just thinking about the people I've lost...my parents...Kanan...very nearly Sabine back there" he admitted, in his heart, he found himself wondering if it had all been worth it. As he looked outside that window, he saw this perfect picture of peace, a prospering Lothal, and all he could think about was all of the people who had sacrificed themselves for it. The dead heroes who didn't survive to see this victory.
"Everybody who we've lost knew that they were fighting for something greater than themselves...and I guarantee that somebody like Kanan wouldn't want to see you in this state. But, I do have something that may cheer you up, a gift from the past, if you will" the togruta responded, producing the hilt of a lightsaber from her belt and passing it to him. He recognised the shape instantly, moulding to his hand comfortably. His old weapon, lost so many years ago.
"Your old friend, Chopper, handed it to me just a few minutes ago. Apparently, he's kept hold of it for all this time, just in case you ever returned. If that isn't loyalty, I don't know what is" Ahsoka explained, causing Ezra to smile fondly. After all of the pranks, all of the grumpy comments and the reluctant groans that Chopper had given out in the years that Ezra had known him, he never realised that the droid cared as much as this. It warmed his heart to see his old lightsaber again, and to know that it had been Chopper who saved it.
"Now, there's a party on that roof with all of your friends, if there is even a shred of the old Ezra left...I imagine you want to be part of this" Ahsoka said, causing a grin to appear on Ezra's face. He clipped the old blade to his belt, before following her towards an elevator.

Ahsoka and Ezra took an elevator up to the roof, both dressed in reasonably smart clothing. Ezra had sported his first ever suit and tie, a light blue jacket to match his eyes with brown trousers. Ahsoka, meanwhile, was wearing a black dress that contrasted with her orange and white skin. This was by no means supposed to be a wild party, it was a reunion, the meeting of old friends. The Jedi found himself excited, eager to meet anybody he used to know who had survived this damnable war. And he did not have to wait long. With a hiss, the elevator doors opened, revealing well over a dozen guests, gathered under some temporary gazebos. All manner of old friends had showed up; both close friends like Zeb, Hera and Chopper, and old allies like Rex, Hondo and Wedge. Anybody and everybody who had ever fought alongside him was here, all to welcome him home. But in this crowd, one person stood out to the Jedi, and though she stood near the back of the procession, his eyes were immediately drawn to her. Sabine Wren. Ezra didn't think he'd ever seen her in a dress before, but she'd certainly gone all the way with it. A short cyan dress clung to her copper skin, and a pair of gold bracelets, embedded with emeralds, wrapped around each wrist. She wore a tiara made from flowers on her head, white flowers, no doubt gathered from the local Lothalian fields outside Capital City. He couldn't take his eyes off her, only when he heard the entire group shout his name did he look around.
"Ezra! We never had time on The Ghost...force, don't you ever leave again" Hera said softly, approaching him in a black dress of her own. Kanan would have liked her outfit. The pair embraced, and Ezra couldn't wipe a massive grin from his face.
"Hah...you realise she'll be following you forever now, right kid?" a familiar voice boomed from behind him. He separated from Hera and turned, smiling as he saw the large muscular form of Zeb stood over him. The Lasat had tried his best with the formal dress code, for once covering up his hairy arms beneath a tightly fitted suit.
"Good to see you again" Ezra said, shaking Zeb's hand and wincing under the Lasat's tight grip.
"Same to you, pal. What do you say we sit down for a game of dejarik? Once you've finished with everyone else" The Lasat asked in a friendly voice.
"With the last few years to practice...you might just be able to act as a worthy opponent for me" Ezra answered, causing Zeb to walk off laughing.

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