Chapter Eighteen: The Hangar Erupts

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With a sudden violent movement, the entire frigate rocked and shook, causing Ahsoka to lose her balance. The exit from hyperspace had taken her off guard, and she found herself thrown from the narrow walkway with a shout. A single hand gripped onto the edge of the platform as Ahsoka hung on for dear life. Her legs flailed beneath her, and as she glanced downwards she saw an inky black chasm that would become her doom if she let go. Not all of the droids were dead yet, and they did not hesitate to take advantage of her vulnerability, firing a volley of laser bolts at the walkway and preventing her from leaping upwards. She was trapped, and her grip was slowly loosening.
"Ugh...come on..." she muttered under her breath, desperately trying to pull herself up but finding herself blocked by the laserfire from her enemies. One of her fingers lost grip, and then another, until only three fingers were keeping her from falling into the blackness. But she could not hold forever. Her strength was abandoning her, and so with a deep breath, she finally let her hand go...

The shaking finally came to a halt, and Ezra offered his hand. Sabine accepted, and he pulled her up, looking around anxiously. The frigate had left hyperspace sooner than he had dared expect, which meant that they were already approaching Jakku, they had to hurry. Sabine quickly rushed over to the console, and began pushing buttons rapidly, a look of concentration on her face as she continued. Ezra, meanwhile, leant his back up against her, igniting the white lightsaber and cautiously keeping an eye on their surroundings. He had to defend her while she did her thing. The seconds passed, and Ezra's anxiousness began to grow, the longer this took, the more chance there was of them being attacked. And just as he thought this, his fears became reality. Sabine slowly stopped typing and turned to her friend with a worried glance. They both started to hear an ominous whooshing sound, and quite soon, they realised why. A dozen B2 super battle droids slowly rose up, floating several metres above the walkway thanks to jet packs attached to their backs.
"Rocket troopers" Sabine whispered in a worried voice.
"Activate the fuel pumps, I'll keep you covered" Ezra responded, springing into action. He immediately performed a combat roll, moving several metres away from Sabine to draw the droids' fire and keep it away from her. With a spin, he eloquently wielded his blade in a defensive parry, deflecting the onslaught of shots that soon came his way. The shining red laser bolts hit the icy lightsaber with a blast, before deflecting back at the droids, immediately shooting two of them out of the sky. Ezra held this stance for several seconds, waiting for a gap in his enemies' attacks. And then, when the opportune moment rose, he raised a single hand, grabbing one of the supers with his force powers and causing it to cease fire in confusion. With a confident grin, Ezra focused and used his powers to throw the droid at several of its peers, provoking a chain reaction which ended in four super battle droids falling to the ground far below. The battle seemed to be going well, but then Ezra let out a shout of pain. A blaster bolt had burnt through his shoulder from behind, and he turned to see several more super battle droids walking up the stairs nearby, these ones devoid of any jet packs. They were beginning to get surrounded, and so Ezra moved closer to Sabine, once again brushing his back up against hers and deflecting every shot that he could.
"How's it going 'Bine?" he asked in a panicked tone as he just managed to block a bolt that would have gone straight through his friend's head.
"A ton of firewalls have been programmed into this to prevent anyone else from accessing it. I'm getting there, but I need time, keep them off me" Sabine answered in a focused voice. Ezra leapt into the air, slicing several of the rocket droids in half before landing down next to her in a crouched position, his long cobalt hair swept over his eyes.
"What do you think I've been doing?" he asked sarcastically, a breathless tone filling his words. But Sabine was in a world of her own, she was well aware of the risks that Ezra was currently taking on her behalf, but that was all part of the mission. If she was going to crack through these defences then she needed to put her heart into it and try not to worry about her friend, no matter how difficult that was. Ezra continued deflecting the barrage of laserfire coming his way, every time he took down one droid, three more seemed to take its place. And to make matters worse, he could hear a rolling noise coming his way, which could only mean one thing. He turned the other way and his worst fears were confirmed, a droideka. This one was fitted with a shield generator, and as it came to a halt and its shields came online, Ezra found himself forced to retreat under its volley of fire. This was the very last second now, there was no way he would be able to defend against this many droids for much longer. Sabine had to get through those firewalls in the next few seconds, or they'd both be toast. The super battle droids and droideka were now on the same level as Ezra, just several metres away from him, and each unleashing a multitude of fiery red laser bolts at him. It was a miracle that he'd been able to parry this many attacks so far, but it couldn't last. Once again he needed something desperate, and he believed he had just the plan.
"Sabine, you trust me?" he asked, causing her to lose focus and look into his deep blue eyes.
"With my life" she confirmed without hesitation.
"Then I have to leave you, only for a moment" he responded. The plan he had formed was risky, but it was no different to the sorts of stunts he would pull in the past. Here goes nothing.

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