Chapter Seventeen: The Battle Begins

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The team walked down the docking ramp of the Gauntlet, anxiously looking around at their new surroundings. They were inside one of the many ventilation shafts that filled the frigate, all of those heavy modifications required a lot of technology to sustain them. About twenty metres ahead of them stood a huge fan behind metal grating, and next to it was some sort of maintenance ladder that led upwards. That would be their way into the depths of this ship. As the four of them slowly walked forwards, there was a sudden burst of movement that threw all of them to the ground.
"Ugh! Guessing that was the jump to hyperspace" Ezra commented, standing up and dusting himself down.
"We got any idea where he's going?" Skorn asked, gripping his rifle determinedly. Sabine nodded her head and looked down at a hologram on her wrist, a device she'd designed years ago. In a few seconds it would tell her where their trajectory was taking them. As the hologram gave an answer, Sabine frowned and shook her head in disbelief.
"That...that can't be right" she commented, tapping it to see if it was non-functional.
"What is it? What does your device say?" Ahsoka asked curiously. Sabine turned to her dramatically.
"We're on a direct course for Jakku" the Mandalorian stated. Ezra frowned.
"Isn't that where you said the New Republic is right now? Wiping out the remnants of the Empire?" he asked.
"Yes it is, Thrawn's long range scanners must have picked up all of the activity. We cannot let this ship reach Jakku" Ahsoka answered.
"Why not? I's only a single ship" Ezra asked again, he didn't quite understand why everybody looked so worried. Sabine gently grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face her.
"Right now, the Battle of Jakku is raging, it will decide who wins the entire war, the Imperials or us. The New Republic aren't wiping out the Empire...with the forces that the imperials still possess, it's bound to be a long and bitter battle. Any advantage on either side could tip the balance...and if someone like Thrawn flanks the infant New Republic's could be the end for all of us" she explained in a grim tone. Now Ezra understood, Thrawn was a wildcard and if he arrived at the battle then the imperial remnants would be able to wipe out the entire New Republic fleet, there and then. The victory at the Battle of Endor would be inconsequential, a new emperor would rise and all of this would have been for nothing.
"Okay, I get it, everything is resting on us. So what's our play general?" Skorn asked. He was a soldier, he knew that the odds would almost always be against him and he knew what he was fighting for, all he needed was a plan to follow. Ahsoka opened her mouth to speak, but it was Ezra who gave an answer.
"We need to split up. Sabine and I can head to the command deck, climb right through the bowels of this ship and deactivate all of the core systems...and in the process put a laser bolt through Thrawn's head. But...if we fail, there has to be a backup plan...if Skorn and Ahsoka head to the reactor bay, then you can standby...our final option will be to blow this ship...with us on it" Bridger explained, provoking a look of slight shock on everybody else's faces. Nobody had expected him to ease into the role of command again so naturally, but it suited him. He was right. That seemed to be the best course of action ahead of them.
"Alright Ezra...that's our best idea, so we'll follow it" Ahsoka stated, causing Skorn to nod with a smile.
"Good luck, if this is the last time we're all together's been an honour, and thank you...for coming back" Ezra stated, beginning to walk away.
"Wait just a moment, I think you'll be needing this" Ahsoka said, holding out one of her lightsabers. Ezra looked at her in surprise.
"But...what about you?" he asked, slowly reaching for the blade.
"I can use a single lightsaber, force knows where yours got to but you may need this in the fight to come. Take good care, both of you" the togruta stated, handing Ezra the blade before walking away with Skorn. The pair of them walked down a smaller side passage, leaving Ezra and Sabine stood in the ventilation shaft on their own. Ezra remained stood there for a moment, holding the lightsaber hilt in his hand with an unusual look. Sabine could tell he was troubled, but now was not the time for hesitation. She put a hand on his shoulder and gave a warm smile.
"Come on, let's get this done" she said, and together they headed away towards the maintenance ladder. They had a plan, now came the difficult part of actually acting it out.

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