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My left eye slowly opens like it has been glued shut. These days when I transfer back and forth between worlds, it seems harder and harder to wake up in the other one. 

I blink a couple times and stare into the darkness. 

Why did I wake up? I was having fun adventuring... Manx is gonna be so mad when I come back. Why is my right eye still closed?

I physically yank my right eye open and see the other world again. But now I can move forward and speak in this world, not the other one. Plus, for some reason when I am in the other world, I can't see this one.


I stare into the darkness with both eyes now, enjoying the silence and peace. Until I hear it. The thump on our roof. The thing that woke me up in the first place. I sit up and quietly sneak to the stairs, closing my right eye to concentrate. But the world is getting blurrier and blurrier as I take every step away frmo the safety of my bedroom and towards the sound.

Am I just tired or am I finally going to kick the bucket?

I reach the roof and step into the mini attic thing on top of my room. As I crouch and creep forward, I hear a shimmery, sparkly sound. I ignore the bloodcurling screams right below the surface that are building up in my head.

I step towards it and irrational fear overcomes me. I throw a blanket over the box like thing I see and add some clothes on top for good measure. As I step out I hear hurried and light footsteps on the top of our building. I ignore it and plead for god to quiet the screams in my head as I rush back to my bed. When I close my eyes, I do not go into either world. I simply fall asleep.

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