Chapter 2 : Setting Free

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        Anabeth  started packing her things when her father entered her room she got scared and put a cover over her weapons and what she was packing.Hello father why are you here. I came to ask you where you were today. I was her in my room father. Stop lying to me Anabeth I know you were out with William using your weapons. What are you talking about father I have no weapons and yes I was in the woods without William and I was I was ummm I was picking berries. And where are the berries Anabeth. I entered through the kitchen door and gave it to Edna so she could put it in the bread she’s making. Ok Anabeth I believe you are you hungry. No father I’m not hungry but thank you. Umm father. Yes Anabeth. I love you. I love you too Anabeth.

Anabeth almost never says I love you to her father but she knew she was never going to see him again at least that’s what she thinks. She finished packing her things and waited until everyone went to sleep. She got up dressed and went to the little door on the floor she went down and went through the dark corridor thinking there was another way out; sure enough there was a door that led to the back of the castle. She was about to open it but something hit her in the head and she lost consciousness. Anabeth started to open her eyes and saw that she was still in the dark corridor but a lantern was by her she was looking around and saw this short man standing by her she was startled but then calmed down.

Hello me lady I’m glad you have woken up we need to get going. Why, and who are you. I’m Nicholas at your service, prince William has sent me here to come and help you escape from the guards his father has sent to look for you. Why would King Arifion want to do that? William also told me to say sorry for him because he told his father about the marking on ye arm, so now King Arifion wants to kill ye. But why it’s not my fault I have the marking. Yes but he and the people do not want to go into war because of a dragon rider. Oh no does my father know about this? No he doesn’t know, but I heard King Arifion say that he will come in the morning to talk to ye father, so we need to get out of here right now or ye will get killed. Ok let’s go. Wait ye can’t go out in those fine clothes you have to wear these I’ll turn around so that ye can get undressed. Ok thank you. (Moments later) I’m ready Nicholas lets go.

They exited the door and went around the castle into the stables; they were approaching the stables when Nicholas saw a guard. Wait me lady there is a night standing at the door of the stables. Wait here Nicholas. Anabeth sneaked up to the guard and hit him in the back of the neck with the tip of her bow. They got in the stables and took out midnight for her and thunder her father’s horse for Nicholas.

You know how to ride a horse Nicholas. Yes me lady but I cannot get on the horse as you can see I’m too short. Ok Nicholas I will help you. Anabeth gave Nicholas a boost up onto his horse. Thank you me lady. It’s the least I can do you are helping me escape into the woods.

They sneaked by the rest of the guards and got out of the castles gates and onto the streets. Anabeth and Nicholas were riding calmly until someone screamed there she is I found the dragon rider. Shoot him Anabeth. No Nicholas I don’t kill people. Anabeth you have to shoot him or Arifion will find you. I can’t do it Nicholas I don’t kill people. All of a sudden they heard more horses and they were approaching fast. Anabeth you have to do it now. No Nicholas. The guards were feet away and they were starting to take their swords out. All of a sudden Nicholas grabbed Anabeth sword and jumped off his horse and started fighting with the guards. Anabeth was startled and was frozen amazed in the skill that Nicholas had being a short man. All of a sudden Nicholas got knocked down. A guard was going to stab him but Anabeth shot an arrow at the guard. Anabeth didn’t notice when she shot until she saw the guard fall of his horse. She got off her horse and one by one she shot all of the guards until not one was left.  She ran to Nicholas and knelt down by him, he was knocked out she heard more guards coming and she picked him up and put him on her horse and tied thunder behind.

She road all the way to the woods with Nicholas in her lap. The sun was setting she had to find refuge now. She was looking around and saw a little old cottage not far away from where they were, but her bottom hurt and her legs had fallen asleep so she walked all the way to the cottage. When she got there she noticed it wasn’t that small it was big enough to fit in both horses. She laid Nicholas down on a pile of leaves in the cottage and put both horses in it because there was a big gap in the back of the house. She covered the house with logs and branches and fell asleep with Nicholas on the pile of leaves.

The sun was barley rising when Anabeth was woken up by the sound of horses running. She was startled and looked out to see what was happening. She saw 10 guards getting close and really fast. She went out into the woods and gathered big logs and branches she quickly returned to the cottage and threw it on it. She squeezed through a gap and gave the horses each an apple so that they would keep quiet. She heard the guards getting closer until they were right outside the cottage still on their horses. Do you think she’s in there? No that cottage looks like it’s been untouched for years. True where do you think she is? She might be out in the woods still I don’t think she has gotten to the mountains yet. Let’s keep going we have to capture her or the king will be devastated.

The guards passed the cottage and kept going. Anabeth couldn’t believe they passed right by her. She checked that no one was out there and took midnight out of the cottage. She graved her weapons mounted him and started looking for food. She was riding when she saw something reflecting from the sunlight she got off her horse and walked over to the reflection. She saw it was a key she picked it up and it turned into ice. She rode midnight back to the cottage and saw Nicholas trying to mount his horse. Anabeth called out and Nicholas waited outside of the cottage for her.

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