Chapter 5: Where Is He!

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Hey thanks to the few people who read this means lots...... The marking

In the morning Anabeth heard loud banging on her door. She got up and noticed that siku wasn't where she saw him last night. She looked out her window and saw a whole troop of knights outside on the front yard. She was very worried but disappointed that William had done this to her. The banging on the door was getting louder so she quickly got dressed gathered her weapons and tried prying open the door that led to the secret tunnel in case of emergencies that grandmother made. She finally got it open and started heading down the steps she closed the door just in time so that the person that opened her bedroom door wouldn't see her escape. She lit a lantern and called siku but she didn't get any response . now she was really getting worried she hurried wanting to get to the spot that grandmother said they should all meet at if something ever happened. When she finally got there she was relieved to see everyone there but when she looked for siku she went hysterical and started sobbing asking where Siku was. " where is Siku, Nicholas where is he answer me now, grandmother siku isn't responding me were is my dragon where. me lady calm down please don't make so much noise or they'll find us says Nicholas. How do you want me to calm down I don't know where Siku is. Anabeth calm down you have to calm down just breath said the ice witch. Anabeth starts to but starts shaking and then she faints. Anabeth wakes up on a cot by a fire with a big headache,then she remembers that Siku is missing. She starts calling for Nicholas but he doesn't come so she gets up her legs a little numb. she looks around and notices that there in a cave she walks all the way to the opening of the cave the sun is shining really bright and their on a grassy hill surrounded by trees. she sees Nicholas and Elizabeth sitting down real close to each other. Nicholas says something that makes Elizabeth laugh and then they kiss. Anabeth smiles and giggles but the good way but she stops when she remembers Siku. she walks up to them and they get startled and quickly separate. ohh me lady I'm glad ye are awake how are ye feeling said nicholas. a little shaky but okay Nicholas were is Siku said Anabeth trying to stay calm. me lady I'm really sorry but King arifion got Siku.Anabeth couldn't believe it she just collapsed on the ground and started crying. noooo nooo my Siku my poor Siku I can't believe I let this happen my baby he's in danger its all my fault said Anabeth while sobbing. nicholas got on his knees and got close to anabeth trying to comfort her. no me lady it wasn't ye fault don't blame yourself". "yes it is if I had been awake I could have saved him how did it happen Nicholas tell me". " Me lady there were to many men and they knocked Elizabeth unconscious so her grandmother took her to the cave and stayed with her. so it was me and Siku left to protect ye I was defeated and they took Siku they trapped him in chains and took him I'm very sorry". Anabeth couldn't do any thing but cry she didn't do what to do. Nicholas tried getting her to stand up but he only got her to kneel down Anabeth then hugged Nicholas a sobbed into his shoulder he hugged her back hoping to be able to comfort her. Grandmother was walking towards them with buckets full of water in each hand she set them down and walked towards them. "I'm guessing you've already told her" said grandmother. Elizabeth nodded her eyes filling up with tears. grandmother took Anabeth from Nicholas's arms and said " Anabeth stop crying your stronger than this get yourself together". "I can't I can't grandmother Siku's in danger" says Anabeth in between crying. "well then stop crying so you can think of a way to save your dragon" grandmother says. Anabeth started calming down "OK so what are we going to do." She said wiping away her tears.

So I haven't updated this in a long ass time I guess I got busy with my other book sort of lol but anyways thanks to whoever still for some odd reason is still reading this book. -AMC

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