Chapter 3 : The Egg

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        Nicholas look at what I found. Me lady the Ice Witch is expecting us. Really Nicholas. Yes me lady we need to go to her castle now. Nicholas when I saw the key it was silver and when I picked it up it turned into ice. That is because ye are a dragon rider me lady. Ohh for a minute I thought I had powers. No me lady calm down ye don’t have magic powers.

They rode very far until Anabeth saw gates but they were just gates no building nothing. Nicholas are you sure here is the ice witches castle. Yes me lady I’m very sure. Anabeth got of her horse and inserted the key into the lock. All of a sudden the gates opened and big doors made out of ice appeared. Well aren’t ye going to knock me lady. Anabeth knocked on the door and a middle aged women  came out saying "who is it"?

Are you the ice witch? Oh no no that is my daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth come out it’s a young girl and her friend. The Ice Witch came out but she had eyes and they were the perfect icy blue color, she had pale skin, was kind of taller than Anabeth. Hello Anabeth and Nicholas you can put your horses thunder and midnight in the stables inside the castle. What castle and how do you know our names we haven’t even presented ourselves to your mother or you. Me lady the witch has been expecting us that’s why ye have the key. Ohh right I forgot well can we come in.

Me lady don’t be disrespectful to the Ice Witch she might freeze us or do something horrible to us. Don’t believe everything you hear Anabeth and Nicholas, those townspeople don’t know what else to do than make up rumors. So it’s not true ye have been alive even before the first dragon appeared. Well that is indeed true Nicholas. Ye still look very young and beautiful me lady. Ohh thank you Nicholas the Ice Witch was blushing, you are very handsome yourself Nicholas, Nicholas was also blushing.

Well let’s go in and talk about what brought you here, over a cup of hot tea. Let’s go inside then. When the Ice Witch went through the doors Anabeth looked for the castle but she only saw a gate and some big doors. She went through the doors and when she got inside she saw everything was made of ice even the furniture but it was warm and cozy inside the castle. Anabeth sat down and to her surprise they were very bouncy and actually soft, like a teddy bear she was very amazed. The fireplace was made out of ice and the fire was too. She walked up to the fire and put her hands close to her surprise it was warm.

“Wow this is amazing”, said Anabeth in amazement. “I know it’s one of the few powers I have, said the ice witch”. “How is this possible the fire is made out of ice but it is very warm”, said Anabeth? “Well this was once my grandmother’s castle and she was the most powerful ice witch there has ever lived; she created this castle with her very hands right mother” said the ice witch. Elizabeth’s mom was walking over with the tray of hot tea and cookies the tray, plates, cups, and spoons were also made out of ice. “Yes my dear my mother is very powerful”, said the ice witches mother. “So did she die”, said Anabeth with wonder.”Ohh no no my grandmother is still alive she just lives in a cottage not far away from here”, said the ice witch. “In fact we should take Anabeth along with her friend to your grandmother, “said the ice witches mother. “Yes mother lets go immediately “said the ice witch.

Elizabeth and her mother went to the stables and opened a gate were these polar bears were. The ice witch and her mother saddled them and got on them. “well take our horse”, said Anabeth.” Ohh don’t worry you can ride on the back and your friend can ride with my mother it’ll be faster.” said the ice witch. “Um are you sure horses tend to be faster when traveling”, said Anabeth with a confused tone. “Not with these polar bears honey”, said the ice witches mother with a chuckle. “Ok then let’s go” said Anabeth. Anabeth and Nicholas mounted the polar bears they were soft and white as snow.

They were leaving the castle and the polar bears were walking slowly, but all of a sudden they started to pick up speed and they were running faster than a horse. Anabeth had a hard time holding on to the Ice Witch she could feel her hair flying everywhere. She could see a big cottage in the distance. They arrived and Anabeth got off she was a little shaky. They got in the cottage and this old wrinkly lady was in the kitchen cooking something that made everyone’s stomach grumble. Grandma served the food and everyone enjoyed it. “So tell me granddaughter what brings you here”, said the ice witches grandmother? “Show her Anabeth”, said the Ice Witch. Anabeth lifted up her sleeve and showed grandmother her marking. “Oh dear this is amazing a dragon rider at last and it’s a lady when did you find out”, said the ice witch in amazement. “A few days ago why is that important”, said Anabeth in confusion. “That’s odd you should have already found a dragon egg”, said grandmother. “But I thought there weren’t any eggs left”, said Anabeth confused. “Grandma may I speak to you in the kitchen for a bit”, asked the ice witch. “Of course dear”, said grandmother. They walked over to the kitchen and started whispering they seemed to be arguing quietly. “Why don’t you tell her grandma”, said the ice witch. “You know why Elizabeth”, said grandmother. “I know grandma but she has a right to know that there are still dragon eggs left in this very cottage”, said the ice witch getting angry. “No she will find out by herself tonight when one of the eggs calls her in her sleep she will wake up and hear the dragon talking to her and it will hatch when she finds it okay can we go and eat now”, said grandmother. “We may”, said the ice witch. When they went to go eat Elizabeths mother got up and said " well i cant accompany you guys for dinner because i have to go back to the castle someone has to look after it". "well goodbye mother take care" replied Elizabeth. 

It was getting late and everyone was getting sleepy they all went to bed. Anabeth was tossing and turning all night trying to figure out what the ice witch and her grandmother were talking about and why they were being so mysterious about it. She was starting to fall asleep when she heard a voice saying “Anabeth come to me find me”. She was startled at first and thought that it was just a dream but she heard the voice again and this time it said “Anabeth get up and go to the kitchen”. She did as the voice said she got to the kitchen and in her head said “what now”. “Look under the sink and feel around for a lever”.  Anabeth did so and to her amazement she found it and pulled it then the wall opened behind her and fell back then some lights lit up some stairs leading downstairs she went down the stairs and found a room with nice colored wooden boxes. She went by all of them and touched each one when she touched the white one she heard the voice again it said “open it and you will find me”. She did and she found a white egg with blue specks on it. It was starting to move and finally started cracking out started coming out a thing that looked like a lizard but it had wings and was sitting on two legs. It was white and had ice spikes on its back and it also had blue specks its eyes were an icy blue and its wings were beautiful. “Ahhhhhh” Anabeth screamed in excitement, “Nicholas I found it I found my dragon come quick” Anabeth said shouting. Everyone had gotten up in their night close. Everyone looked at Anabeth in amazement she was carrying her baby dragon in her arms.

They were all speechless it had been decades since the last dragon rider lived. “See Elizabeth I told you that she could figure it out by herself”, said grandmother. “I know grandmother you are never wrong”, said the ice witch. “What’s ye dragons name and what is it a she or a he”, said Nicholas. “It’s a boy Nicholas and the name hmm how about Siku I like that name that’s what it’ll be Siku”, said Anabeth. “What does it mean” said the ice witch. “It means ice in general”, said Anabeth. “Well it’s beautiful” said grandmother. “Now what”, said the ice witch? “I don’t know, do any of you know how to take care of a dragon I don’t even know what it eats”, said Anabeth. “Well hand it over ill take care of it I’ll even show you how to take care of it”, said grandmother.

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