Chapter 4 : Three Years Later

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         Three years passed and Siku grew rapidly because your dragon ages along with you so Siku grew until he was 17 and grew at the same pace as Anabeth did from their he learned how to fly and the ice witch had to build him his own enclosure because he was getting so big. Grandmother also made her cottage bigger so that Siku could walk around in it easily with the help of her magic. One day Anabeth went out to hunt along with Siku, she was aiming at a deer when she heard noise coming from the woods and it didn’t sound animal like. She and Siku quickly hid in the biggest tree they could find Siku’s color was a bid disadvantage when it came to being slick. But the leaves were a lot enough to cover him up. “Stay here”, said Anabeth to Siku in her mind that was another thing, they could talk to each other in their minds. She climbed down the tree and looked around she saw someone walking around the woods. This was odd no one ever went so deep into the woods. She was aiming an arrow at him but then she recognized him it was William. She was about to call his name when she remembered that he might take her back to the palace. She went back but she snapped a branch under her feet William quickly took out his sword. “Who’s there show yourself”, said William. Hearing his voice made Anabeth want to call him out but then her mind overflowed about the things in her life that none should find out. She thought about the safety of Nicholas, the ice witch, the ice witches grandmother  but most important the safety of Siku.

She ran towards the tree and mounted Siku when an arrow shot right in front of her. Ohh no Anabeth thought as William walked towards the tree Anabeth didn’t know what to do. “Siku when you see that I have brought William to the ground you will have to go back to the castle”, said Anabeth. “Ok I will do as you say Anabeth”, said Siku. Anabeth waited until William was right under her she waited until he turned around and she jumped on him he fell to the ground. Anabeth heard Siku’s wings flapping she knew he would be safe now. She kept William on the ground while he was trying to break free. “Let me go”, said William starting to get frustrated. “What are you doing here”, said Anabeth? She let him up “go back from where you came from”, said Anabeth. William turned around he looked at her like if he was trying to figure out who she was. Three years had passed and Anabeth had changed a lot so had William. “A…Anabeth is that you”, said William stuttering. “Yes William it’s me”, said Anabeth smiling. All of a sudden William pulled her towards him and hugged her. They stayed like that until he pulled her away and started asking her many questions. “Where have you been this whole time, what happened, I can’t believe how much you changed, did you ever find a dragon, did you ever find the witches castle”, William asked very excited. He asked so many questions that Anabeth didn’t have time to answer any of them. “Wow William slow down I’ll answer your questions if you can shut your mouth. “Ok Anabeth I’ll try to but no promises”, said William laughing.

They stayed there by the tree until the sun started setting Anabeth had answered so many questions that she thought her, mouth was going to fall off. “I better get going”, said Anabeth. “But I don’t want you to go Anabeth come with me come back to the palace with all of your friends and your dragon Siku to”, said William.”No William you know i can't do that I can't betray them they will be in great danger if someone finds out about them”,said Anabeth said worried “ No they won't because I'll protect you and them with my life”,said William. “No william i cant i need to get going now or Siku will come looking for me and he doesn't like strangers”,said Anabeth. She started walking away trying not to look back even though she knew she wanted to. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t and she wouldn’t she would call Siku and go home and everything would be like if she had never seen William. All of the sudden she heard Siku’s wings flapping and then he landed right in front of her. “Hey Siku what are you doing here I haven’t even called you yet”, Anabeth said. “I don’t know I just felt like you needed me”, said Siku smiling. She got on his back and they flew all the way back to their home.

When they got home Nicholas threw his arms around Anabeth it startled her he had never done that. “Ohh me lady I’m so glad ye alright”,said Nicholas. “don't worry nicholas i'm all right i just got a little held up with someone i mean something”,said anabeth not trying to sound suspicious. “well we were very worried about ye because ye never go past the curfew”, said nicholas. “well im here already so everyone stop worrying”, said anabeth. “do you want something to eat anabeth “said the ice witch. “no thank you elizabeth im just going to go to bed now goodnight everyone”, said anabeth. “goodnight”, everyone said back. Ohh and can you feed Siku and when hes done tell him to come up to bed with me”, said anabeth. “ i will”, said grandmother. “Something is odd about her”, said the ice witch. “i agree something happened in the woods and im going to find out”, said grandmother.

Anabeth lay her room waiting with the roof open for Siku. She kept thinking about her encounter with william hed changed so much he got taller and more handsome. She was worried though because she kept thinking about the possibility of him following her and him going back to her father and telling him everything. All of a sudden she heard the flapping of he wings of Siku he gently landed right next to Anabeths bed. “Hi Siku how was dinner”, said anabeth. “It was okay but I want to know what is going on with you you’ve been mysterious since you got back from the woods” said Siku. “Fine I’ll tell you what happened but don’t tell anyone not even Nicholas”, said anabeth. “ Okay go on”,said Siku. "So a long time ago before you were even born I lived with my father in the palace in Deptford Goth and I wasn't happy because my father basically controlled my life, said anabeth. "So I left him and while I was packing my bags I found a door that led down to the dungeon and I saw a drawing of a ice dragon and I felt a slight burn on my arm and that's how I found out that I was a marked one",said anabeth. "Ohh I see",said siku. " so I met up with William in the woods and showed him he's the person you saw in the woods I told him my plan he didn't like it but I did it anyways",said anabeth. Anabeth told siku the rest of the story the entire night and siku was very amazed of how she had to get through all of that in order to get to were she was now. After she finished telling him the story they both fell asleep Anabeth grasping Siku's paw.

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