Chapter 2

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"Great job bringing up Bowers I front of her"Stan yells at me.

"Yeah did you hear what she did"

"What'd she do". Ben asked. He seems too innocent to know about the drama at this school.

"More like who'd she do from what I hear the list is longer than my wang". I say grabbing the bottom of my pants.

"Ew". (Y/n) replies.

"You sad you cant see my wang to later tonight" I wink at her.

"I'll be sad later than" ouch.

"Well, if it is longer than his 'wang' than it's not saying much". I glare at Stan.

"(Y/n) we have to go". Eddie says, pulling (y/n)'s arm.

"You go ahead Ed's, I can give her a ride" I suggest. Ok maybe I do like (y/n), how can you blame me she's so hot.

"Ok but don't do anything stupid. And DON'T call me Ed's". He says in frustration. Ha.

"Do I get a say in this"(y/n) ask. God she's so fucking hot.

"Nope". I reply. Soon she hops on my bike with her hands on my shoulders. "You know you can fall off easily if you hold on there. Grab my waist, I don't mind". I say with a wink.

"Fine.......Just don't get the wrong idea". Oh I already got it.

(Time skips brought to you by Jack's hair)

Eddie's POV:
It's been five minutes since I got home she should be back by now. I mean, he can have brought her to his house and rape her!?!!?!! No, no. Richie a lot of things but raping my sister is definitely NOT one of them.

"I'm home" (y/n) calls out.

I run down stair to her trying not to wake my mom. She would KILL (y/n) for being late. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN". I whisper/yell.

"Richie got a flat tire so I walked him home to help fix it up. Then I walked the rest of the way". She replies.

"Are you crazy! What if what happened to Georgie happened to you!!?!!" I respond.

"He lives right down the street. It's not a big deal"

"I care about you, (y/n). Believe it or not, I do"

"I know that, but don't you think your over thinking this. Bill will find Georgie so you will find me if that happened. And besides I'm 14(a/n..I don't know their ages). I'm not a baby anymore"

"I never said you were"

"Then stop acting like I need super vision 24/7, because I don't" she's acting weird.

"I'm sorry, you just worried me". I respond.

"It's fine" that was the last thing she spoke before walking away into her room and locking the door. I called Richie to see if he knows what's wrong.

R:Ed's my man, what's up?

E:1st, don't call me that. 2nd, is (y/n) ok? She's been acting off lately.

R:Not that I know of, she seemed quiet when I asked her to take off er shirt so we can you know. I cant see him but I know he's smirking. I role my eyes.

E:Cut the dirty joke, Richie. She was a little snappy at me. What happened between you two?

R:My tire got flat which made her fall off into the grass. I was trying to help her but she pushed me away. She seemed more hurt than she should of been considering the grass is soft. So I asked if I could look at it but she pulled away. I could of sworn I saw a red mark on her wrist but I maybe saw wrong.

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