Chapter 6

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Ngl I didn't and hadn't gotten motivation at all to update and I apologize but a lot of you have been wanting an update sooooooo here you go!!!!

Richie's POV:
We chased Bill as he ran to the Well house.  What the fuck is he doing?!  He's crazy!  "Bill!  Bill, you can't go in there!  This is crazy!"  Beverly said, trying to convince him.  Thank you Bev!  At least someone agrees.

Bill turns to us, "Y-Yes I c-can.  I go home and...........all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His cloths, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't.  What happens when...another Georgie goes missing?  Or another Betty or Edd Corrprin or-one of us!  Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town?  So asking into this house..........for me, is a lot easier than walking into my own."  Bill's words sunk in.  It made me think about if I lost (Y/n).  I wouldn't even make a joke to distract myself. 

We all stared at Bill, unable to say anything.  "Wow.  He didn't stutter once."  I broke the silence.  Both (Y/n) and Eddie rolled their eyes at me.  Stan probably did too. 

We started to head in when Stan called out, "Wait!  Shouldn't we have someone keep watch!?  J-just in case."  He said.  Man, what a baby.  I mean......he's got a point.  I think it should be me and (Y/n)!  For non biased reasons. 

We ended up drawing sticks.  How did I get the short end!?  (Y/n) too!?  At least I'll be able to protect her.  (A/n y'all know he's gonna push her into Pennywise and run for it).  The door freaked open.  "I can't believe I pulled a short straw.  You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."  I spoke as we walked in.

"Yeah; you, me and Bev.  We'd be dead before you can count to five."  (Y/n) Spoke.  Ouch, that hurt.

"Come on (Y/n), you of all people should know that's a-" I was gonna say 'a lie' (a/n ITS A LIE!  Sorry, only some will get the reference nehehe). But a certain small bean interrupted. (A/n I swear this isn't Reddie drama)

"Shut up Richie....". Eddie breathed.  We heard crashing upstairs of some sort and followed it for some reason.  "Smell that?"  He said.  I didn't really pay attention because a certain flyer caught my eyes.  I pulled it out of some vines (a/n hehe vines, remember those??  What?  Me adding a/n's to add more words?  Never!)  on the paper was said I'm missing... " says I'm missing.  That's my hair!  That's my face!  That's my name!  That's my age!  That's the date!  That's exactly what it says!  What the fuck!  Am I missing!?  Am I gonna go missing!?  What the fuck-

(Y/n) made me face her while I panicked.  "Look at me Richie, look at me.  That isn't real."  She spoke with such calmness.  I'm jealous at how calm she can be.

Bill steps in.  "I-it's playing tricks on you."  We heard a noise and looked around.

Eddie noticed something and walked closer.  "Ripson?"  We looked over to see Betty laying in the door way.  If I blinked then I would of missed as she was pulled off into another room. (a/n ZOOOOOOOM) We walked into the room to save her.  Maybe Bill thought that if we saved her, Georgie could be saved too.

How dumb of us to not look behind.

Eddie's POV:
"Eddie.....". A voice called as I turned to see nothing but an empty hallway and an opened door.  I walked closer for some reason. 

(Y/n)'s POV:
"She was just here."  Richie said, panted.  "Where the fuck did she go?"  Huh, weird.  Normally Eddie would tell him to shut up.  "Eddie!"  Richie called.  Like Eddie would hear.  It's not like he teleported in front of us. 

Richie's POV:
(A/n mhahahahahahaha)  I walked into a dark room.  "Eddie.  Where the fuck are you."  I whispered/yelled.  "We're not playing hide and seek dipshit."  I spoke as I walked further into the room.  Some noise was coming from the weird coffin.  Maybe some rat. (A/n MEEEEEEEEEEE I'm the rat)

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