Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

I was lying down. The hammock swinging back and forth in the cool Paris breeze. Across the balcony from me I saw Kensi sitting cross-legged in a swinging egg chair studying what looked like a tourist guide.

"Where are we going today Kenz?" I asked while pulling my shades over my eyes.

"Well, I was thinking, how about we head out to lunch and eat snails?" She laughed.

I bolted up and toppled out of the hammock landing on the smooth wooden balcony floor.

"You know I love snails!! I could never do that to them." I gasped looking hurt and put my hand across my heart.

Kensi gave me the 'Seriously Boo?' look and returned to the 'Paris Attraction Guide'. "How about the Eiffel Tower then?"

I smiled a big smile.

"Right. I guess that's settled then huh??" Kenz smirked at me. She got out of her egg chair and walked inside stopping on her way past to ruffle my hair.

I stood up and followed her in like and excited little puppy. I grabbed my bag from my room and ran to the closet to get shoes. I raced down the stairs outside our hotel suite and got in the car. Then I waited for Kenz to come and that was probably the longest 2 minutes of my life so far.

She slid into the car muttering, "Someone's excited."

I just nodded eagerly.

"Come on then Ana, let's go."

Kensi POV

As we drove to the Eiffel Tower I couldn't help but notice that Ana could not sit still!

"Ana! Calm down! And please slow down, it's not like it's going to move." I yelled at her.

"I'm sorry! But I have been waiting for this moment literally my whole life!" She replyed. Make that she yelled!!

I chuckled and looked out the window. Watching all the sights and guys on motorbikes heading in the same direction as us. We travelled over the Lock and Key bridge or whatever it's called here and I made a mental note to do that on the way back. Might have trouble locating a hardware store though.

"Eep!!" I heard Boo squeak beside me.

I looked at the same thing she was looking at. It was beautiful, elegant, everything I had imagined.

I stepped out of the car. "Wow." I breathed.

I turned around to see my best friend gaping at the sight before her. Ana was literally frozen to the spot on the opposite side of the car. I laughed and grabbed her bag from the car slinging it on the same shoulder as mine.

Walking around to where Ana stood I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the beautiful tower.

We skipped the whole way there, laughing and squealing, trying not to seem immature. Not that we are mature....

"Bonjour and welcome to the Eiffel Tower. Admission for 2?" The receptionist asked. I smiled at his accent.

Ana still couldn't speak. "Oui." I answered him handing over our money.

I thanked the man as he handed me two tickets and pointed us in the right direction.

Ana ran ahead of me as soon as we showed the guard our passes. I followed her up the tall staircase and along the platform before stopping beside her.

Halfway up the tower we stopped on a platform and took photos of the breathtaking view. It truly was amazing and I can't believe what I was seeing.

I looked over at Ana and knew what she was thinking. This was now the most amazing day of her life.

I moved back a few steps and took a photo of her taking in the view before calling her name and capturing her looking at the camera with the scene behind her. That was definitely going on the front page of our scrapbook.

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