Chapter 7

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Kensi's POV.

"So..." I start to say as we walk into our first shop.

Ana looks at me with a questioning look on her face before scanning a rack of summer dresses.

"So what happened last night?" I ask with the biggest smile on my face.

"Not much," she replied, not really taking any notice of what I was saying but picking out a few dresses every now and then, while I would nod or shake my head.

"Come one Ariana!! I want to know" I whisper semi loudly, trying to make a point by using her full name. It seemed to work.

She stopped what she was doing and stared at me with a surprised look on her face.

"You haven't used my full name since the beginning of high school!" She giggles.

"You must really want to know," she says as she starts to look at the dresses again.

"I do!!" I say, as I start to scan the racks with her.

"Well I-" She begins

"I don't really know where our relationship stands at the moment" she finally gets out.

"Relationship!?" I question, "As in, more than a friendship?"

Ana gives me a nervous look. "I hope so," she sighs. I know Ana, when she start to feel nervous she starts to think really seriously about what she wants. Especially in a relationship.

She continued looking through the shop, moving on to a rack of shorts.

"Ana, look at me," I looked her straight in the eyes. "I know you like him and I know you don't want to get hurt. I am in no way whatsoever trying to make you upset, and you know that, but maybe you should think about where things would go if this continued." She was still looking through the range of clothes but I know she was listening carefully to every word I was saying, thinking about how things would work out if her and Harry did have a relationship. She seemed a bit sad and I knew she was thinking about him going on tour all the time so I tried to lighten the mood.

"I mean, if you're going to go on dates all the time, you'll definitely need that dress and those shoes," I say, motioning to the outfit being modelled in the window. "And I'm not going to lie, you would look amazing in them."

Now she was smiling and as she walked around the shelf to hug me I heard her whisper, 'Thanks Lou.' I smiled and we walked to get the dress and shoes for her to try on, just in case she would need them.

As Ana was in the changing room, I felt my phone vibrate in my handbag. Pulling it out I looked at the screen, frowning in confusion. Who's number is that? I guess there is only one way to find out. Swiping the message and punching in my passcode I saw the full message on the bright screen.

'How's the shopping going? The boys and I were wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight? Louis xx'

I smiled at the invite and the fact that the boys wanted to spend more time with us. I started to type a reply because I know Ana would love to go but I'll wait until she is out before I confirm our acceptance.

"What do you think?" Ana smiled as she walked out with her hands on her hips.

"It looks absolutely amazing on you!" I exclaim. I cover my mouth pointing at the shoes. She looks down and smiles, the colour matches the belt of the dress perfectly, not to mention her brown curls.

"I think you should get it," I state as I shuffle in the comfy leather armchair beside the mirror.

"I was hoping you would agree," she laughed and went to change.

Paying at the register and heading out of the shop I told Ana about the invite to dinner. Of course she agreed so I sent my earlier prepared message to Louis and we walked into another shop.

As soon as I walk in I make my way over to the skirt section, already know what I'm wanting to purchase today. I find a dark maroon skater skirt and head over to the crop top rack where I pick up a long sleeve lace tee with opaque sleeves.

Walking to the dressing room Ana mirrors my actions from the previous shop. As I step out from the rather large dressing room I see Ana holding a box. A shoe box. I smile and begin to take my shoes off, wondering what she has chosen. Covering my eyes I hear the rustle of tissue paper and feel a flat and a spiky surface being placed on my lap. I open my eyes to see my favourite type of heels, pumps. They are a sparkling white colour to match my top.

I try the shoes on and deciding to but them, I pay for my items and we decide to head home as we have been shopping all day. We carried our multiple bags to the our car making sure not to damage the homeware or gifts we got for our families. Heading back to the hotel we start to get ready when I pull my phone out to check the time. The time difference over here is still confusing my body. As I'm looking at my phone, a message pops up.

'We'll pick you up in an hour?' Louis asks.

'Perfect. We'll be ready. Xx'

As I made my way into the living room, I fiddle with my earring and saw Ana out of the corner of my eye. She was out on the balcony, watching the busy streets of Paris. I made my way over to her, making sure I shut the door behind me.

She turned to look at me then continued to look out across the beautiful city.

"What's on your mind?" I ask my best friend.


I took a seat on the hammock and swayed back and forth waiting for her to say anything else. But she didn't. Instead she turned around and looked at me.

"You've got an hour," I told her.

"Kenz!" She exclaimed, running inside to get ready.

I laughed and made my way inside to do my make up and plait Ana's hair.

An hour had passed as we heard a small doorbell noise echo through the entranceway and I to the lounge. Ana and I looked at each other and I picked up my maroon shoulder bag for the kitchen island. We made our way to the door and hugged each other before turning the handle to reveal 5 well dressed men.

I smiled at the boys as Harry looked at Ana, speechless.

When he finally spoke Ana turned the deepest shade of red as the words left his mouth. He smiled at her, looking her in the eyes and said, "You look absolutely beautiful."

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