Chapter 14

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Kensi's POV

I could hear the machines around me constantly making noises and it was driving me crazy! I wanted to wake up so bad yet I really wanted to go to sleep so I could get some peace and quiet but I don't think either of those things are going to happen anytime soon. I was completely over being in this hospital even though I hadn't been in for long but I couldn't sleep and I couldn't wake up and to be really honest, I was bored out of my mind.

As soon as I heard the door open I could tell who had entered the room by their slow shuffling footsteps, the nurses and doctors tended to move quickly. Ana walked over to my bed and sat down next to me taking my hand in hers, I wish I could move a muscle even just a tiny one, just to let her know I was okay. She sat next to me for a long time talking about how she was, what my family said when she talked to them and told me all the latest celebrity gossip. She knows I don't like being behind everything and I heard her pull out her phone before a familiar sound filled the room telling me she had unlocked it. I heard her keyboard making clicking sounds for a few seconds as she typed something before she began reading to me.

"Luke," she started, "On April 26th he tweeted 'Rock o'clock was great,' I laughed to myself as I know she couldn't hear me and she continued to read me the tweets from all four accounts laughing to herself at certain points.

"Why do you like these idiots?" She mumbled under her breath as she continued to read to me, laughing at the small messages.

After what felt like a long time Ana sounded sleepy and she laid her head down on my bed. I tried with all the energy I had to move a single muscle in my hand and she was still holding onto it. I got tired really quickly because of course I didn't have much energy but I kept trying until I heard Ana sit up. Knowing some of my limbs were a bit numb I was happy at the fact she had recognised movement so I must have squeezed hard enough for her to notice I was awake.

"Kenz?" She questioned and I tried again to move my left hand, my fingers curling around the side of her palm. I felt her enclose my hand with both of hers and she held on tight to me. I parted my lips slightly and my brain was working overdrive processing a million things at once just for me to say one simple word. I gently fluttered my open to see the person I have been missing the most.


"Kensi," she spoke softly and I knew she would be about to cry if she didn't already have tears running down her face. I could see her out of the corner of my eye so I slowly turned my head to face her, a smile spread across my face.

"I missed you, so much," I whispered still finding it hard to talk.

"I missed you too Kenz, I'm so glad you're awake," she pulled me into a careful hug and mumbled through my hair.

When she pulled away I just smiled as tears ran down my face. I was happy to be awake, happy that I could start to recover from the horrible accident and most of all, happy to see my best friend.

Calum's POV

The door to our dressing room creaked open and five familiar faces entered the room.

"Hey boys!" I exclaimed standing up and greeting them while my best friends did the same.

"Hey guys. How have you all been?" Zayn's accent filled the room once we had all sat down on the comfortable sofas.

"Yeah, we've been good," Michael said from his spot beside me. "We've been practicing hard," he added and pointed at Niall who nodded his head and replied with "Good lads."

"And how have you guys been?" Ash asked the One Direction boys. Louis looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. I could tell that what had happened had hit him hard, same with Harry as he was also zoned out, lost in his own thoughts.

"Yeah, you could say we've been better," Niall smiled weakly from across the room.

"I guess you heard what happened?" Liam questioned but it sounded more like a statement.

Michael, Luke, Ashton and I all nodded before Luke spoke.

"How are they?" He asked from where he sat next to Louis. The boys looked at each other, deciding who wanted to respond before Liam spoke up."Ariana has bruises and scratches and Kensi..." He paused. "Uh- Kensi is in a... coma." He trailed off at the end before quickly glancing over at Louis to see his reaction.

"Oh my gosh!" I covered my mouth with my hand, not wanting to believe what he had said. I know they only met the girls a few days ago but you would never imagine anything like this would happen.

We were all silent for a few minutes, the One Direction lads trying to hold it together and my band mates and I taking in what Liam had just told us.

The silence was interrupted by a phone ringing. Louis dug in his pocket, accidentally bumping me a few times, before pulling out his phone and staring at the screen for a few seconds.

"You gonna get that, mate," I nudged him and he quickly swiped he screen and pressed his phone to his ear before leaving the room. Everyone looked at me skeptically wondering who had called.

"Ariana," I simply replied. The boys all nod on response and Harry's heard snaps up at the mention of her name.

I heard a noise from outside and everyone's heads turned towards the door. A few minutes later Louis walked back into the room with a massive grin on his face. Again we looked at him skeptically before he spoke.

"Kenz is awake."

Kensi's POV

As I lay in my hospital bed nurses and doctors rushed around me, talking soothingly to me and letting me know what was happening. Ana was asked to move out of the way and I saw her pull out her phone, she quickly typed something and then pressed it to her ear. The people around me blocked out the sound and I couldn't hear what she was saying but I presumed she was talking to Nia or my family. After 20 minutes majority of the hospital staff had left my room and Ana walked back over to me picking my hand up in hers and squeezing it.

"I called Louis and told him you were okay, they've been really worried about you," she smiled down at me from where she stood beside my bed. I felt confused. Who was Louis? I don't think I've ever met someone with that name.

"Who's Louis?" I asked slowly and within a split second a blank look crossed Ana's face.

"Oh no," she squeezed my hand tighter and sat down on the chair. "The doctors said there was a possibility that you would have Amnesia." She sighed and rested her head on my bed before sitting back up a few seconds later. She started to explain things to me, especially the events that occurred in the last few days. Some things I remembered well and some things would take a few weeks to come back to me. My head started to hurt and I winced in pain.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I'll stop now," Ana spoke before going silent.

"Thanks," I reply smiling, "Maybe we could try again tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll let you rest for a bit, she smiles back and stands up.

"Can you turn to the side a bit?" She asks. I turn my body to the side and sit with my back facing her as she starts to brush my hair with her hairbrush. She runs the brush through my hair until it is soft and smooth before spraying dry shampoo over the surface. I cough a bit at the sudden action and she mumbles a 'sorry' before brushing it through my hair. I feel strands of my long hair being picked up and woven around others. After a few minutes I hear the sound of a hair band being taken off her wrist and I feel it being wrapped around my hair securing it in a ponytail. She stops for a bit before I see her hands out of the corner of both my eyes and then I feel a small metal pendant fall on to my chest. It's my necklace, she must have got it out of my bag.

"Thank you Ana," I smile as I return to my previous and much more comfortable position.

"No worries, pumpkin," she winks at me and squeezes my hand before heading towards the doors. Once she leaves I smile to myself, happy that I am awake, happy that I can start my recovery and happy that I've seen my best friend.

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