Soulmates- Part 1

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Jaemin was born into the one of the many families that could see the string of fate. But the problem was that he couldn't see his own string. This worried Jaemin. Do I not have a soulmate? He questioned himself everyday, until he thought to bring it up to his parents. They said it was normal. Just to make sure he even searched it up. "It is normal for one to not see their string of fate until they have actually gotten closer to their soulmate." Is what the text read. Jaemin found relief as he smiled at the thought of finding his soulmate. But he didn't know what the meaning of closer meant. Physically or emotionally?

School was just around the corner and Jaemin was excited. He was excited for the new classes but more excited to see what kind of links his friends got.

As the school bell rang he rushed to his class and took an empty seat in the back. His leg bounced nervously as he waited for at least one person he knew to walk in. To his suprise, his whole crew came in. With a flashy entrance Donghyuck moonwalked in followed by the one and only dolphin laugh kid Chenle. Jaemin smiled to himself as he thought of the two that came in. They both were chatting and looking around for spots to sit when they spotted Jaemin in the back chuckling at them. "Jaemin! Hey!" Donghyuck shouted as Chenle smiled and waved. Jaemin waved to both and leaned back in his seat whilst the other two approch the empty seats beside him. They both decided to sit on the left of him because it was near the window.

The bell rang once again signaling class had started. All the remaining students took random seats as the teacher walked in. After taking attendance the teacher was already talking about some project that was due the following week. Everyone groaned as the teacher announced this and passed out worksheets. The project was a two partner paring project. Basically the project was to interview and get to know your partner. As the teacher annouced for everyone to get up and find a partner Jaemin turned towards Donghyuck and Chenle to see them snickering as they watched Jaemin struggle to find a partner. Looking around Jaemin saw that everyone was paired up and sighed in regret. As the studets were taking seats the teacher asked who didn't have partners, and to her suprise only one person raised their hand. Only Na Jaemin raised his hand. The teacher took a moment and then said "Since this class is uneven... You can partner up with another group then." Jaemin smiled and right as he was gonna turn to Donghyuck and Chenle the door burst open followed by someone panting heavily. All eyes followed the new kid as he walked across the front to the teacher. "I had a schedule change." he said and the teacher seemsd to nod in understanding. "Please take a seat." the teacher smiled and told him. He nodded and scanned the room for a seat, and there happened to be the one right besides Jaemin. As he walked towards the desk he caught Jaemin's eye then smiled and waved. Jaemin waved and turned in embarassment. "Jaemin?" the teacher hesitantly called. Jaemin's head whipped up as he answered with a quiet "Yes?" The teacher replied with "Please partner up with him since you don't have a partner." as she pointed out to the new kid. Jaemin nodded.

The kid sat down besides Jaemin. "Hey, I'm Jaemin." Jaemin stated and put his hand out to shake. The boy smiled and gladly took in Jaemin's hand. "I'm Renjun." When the boy took Jaemin's hand Jaemin felt a tingling feeling, more like a tingling feeling around his pinky. He looked down and found that there was a slight glow to the red string tied around his pinky. He followed the string and it trailed all the way out of class. Jaemin's eyes lit up, he couldn't contain his excitement, and luckily for him the bell had just rang. He shot out of his seat scaring Donghyuck and Chenle in the process. They looked up at him as they awaited for him to explain why he jumped out of his seat. He looked over at them. "I can finally see the string!" he told the other two and they practically jumped in joy too. "Alright Jaemin gonna finally get himself a woman." Donghyuck said. "Or man." Chenle added. "Even better." Donghyuck smiled. "That means he wont complain to us about not being able to see his string and not having a soulmate." Donghyuck and Chenle snickered as Jaemin rolled his eyes and urged them to go to next class.

As the three walked down the crowded halls Jaemin brought up the question. "So what are your links?" he looked over to the other two. "Mine is the counter." Donghyuck stated. The counter was basically a timer or coutdown to when you would meet your soulmate. He brought out his arm and showed. "Looks like I'm gonna meet my soulmate in two hours." Haechan smiled. They both turned to Chenle. "Mine is a phrase." The phrase was a written phrase on the arm that would indicate if someone is your soulmate. "You know Chenle. Your string is glowing really bright, maybe they're near." Jaemin smiled. They all laughed and Donghyuck asked "So what is this magical phrase?" Chenle was about to answer when someone had been rushing and bumped into him, making them both fall. "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, I'll make it up for you." The boy who bumped into Chenle looked at him. Donghyuck and Jaemin stood there and watched as Chenle stared in shock while he rolled up his sweater sleeve. There on his arm read "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, I'll make it up for you." Donghyuck read it then looked over to Jaemin. "Their strings are connected." Jaemin whispered "They're soulmates." They watched as the two boys hands were inked with a tattoo which was indicated that they indeed were soulmates. "I'm Chenle." Chenle smiled widely. "Hey, I'm Jisung."

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