Chapter Ten: Do I Know You

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Becca's POV

The world stood still after the words were out of Alex's mouth, I glanced down at the beautiful man lying unconscious on the small hospital bed. My heart went out to him in every way, could he feel it? I couldn't help but wish now that I'd to him how I really felt. What if he didn't make it through this?

I took a deep breath, calm down Becca I told myself. Alex had clearly said the word theory, so maybe it really wasn't as bad as we were all thinking. I mean the whole point of being a Dr. is to prepare for the worst and pray for the best right?

Alex gave me a small smile, " Would you like to go see Annie now?" I nodded numbly, knowing that until we knew what was going on with Luke that I was just in the way. Alex gave instructions to a nurse to take me to the oncology floor, he mumbled something about needing to stick around.

I followed the small brunette down the corridor, and into an elevator. She tried to make small talk, but my mind was else where and I honestly couldn't tell you anything she said. When the elevator gave a final ding, we stepped out. She led the way to an area that said 'Hospital Staff Only' and swiped her badge.

The door unlocked and she motioned for me to follow her in. The rooms that were behind the door were all glass, I spotted Annie almost immediately. She gave me one of those bubbly smiles, you know the ones that no matter how lousy you feel you have to return because they instantly brighten your day?

" Dr. Watkins gave me clearance to let you into her room, but you'll have to put these over your clothes. She handed me a blue looking hospital jumpsuit that oddly favored scrubs, some shoe covers, and something to go over my hair. A mask, and gloves completed the outfit, and she unlocked the sealed door to the one person that had no clue what was happening to her brother at this very moment.

Luke's POV

I could hear voices, although they sounded far off. I tried to yell and tell them I couldn't see! But no sound would come out, where ever I was it was dark and lonely. The voices were growing louder and now I could distinctly make out one of them... Becca. She had come for me.

It was all pretty much mumbling, but I did make out the words ' I love him'. I wanted to scream 'I love you too Bec's', but again nothing would come out. I couldn't even cry, and what was more frustrating was the fact that I actually wanted to!

My body hurt, my head felt like something had permanently exploded, but something else that was even scarier than that was I was starting to feel a numbness in my legs and fingertips.I barley felt what I thought was Becca brushing a soft kiss to my cheek, 'No, no don't go please don't go.'

I tried to yell, but even that didn't get through. I felt myself losing it again, and was plunged into an even darker place. Once I was there it was nothingness, I couldn't even form the coherent thoughts I had five seconds ago. This could not be good...

Becca's POV

" Annie!" I said, wrapping her in a hug. It felt so good to see her. Although, she had dark circles around her eyes, and was bone thin. Alex had warned me that she looked like death, but she had been on extremely high rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, and it had affected her appetite.

" I've missed you so much Becca, sooo... where's that air head brother of mine?" She asked, looking behind me expectantly. Her sparkling blue eyes were the only thing that let me know my best friend was going to be fine, they were also the same shade of blue that was haunting me... Luke's.

" He uh, got held up."

" Oh." Disappointment flashed across her face, but she quickly put on a smile, and took my hands. " Well at least we have time for some girl talk then huh?'' She said, giving me a wicked grin, I smiled back hesitantly.

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