Chapter Twenty-Four: Why Wait

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Becca's POV

I can't help but stare at the diamond glinting from my finger, I bite back a smile at the thought of the man waiting at the airport for me. I was beyond happy that he would be home to ring in the New Year with me, the day after Christmas he had gotten a call from Rick asking that he come and finish getting the things he wanted to keep from New Jersey. After ten years of being in business Foster and Associates were shutting the doors.

  I pulled into the airport parking lot, and checked my reflection one last time in my rear view mirror. My blond hair was curled in it's usual unruly way, my green eyes stood out brighter today. I swiped on my favorite cherry lip gloss, and grabbed my purse exiting the car. The walk into the actual airport was a long cold one, it gave me time to get rid of my nervousness. A small chuckle escaped my cold lips, even after all the stuff Luke and I had been through he still gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach at just the thought of him.

  I made my way into the warmth of the airport, and followed his directions to gate 12. Waiting on someone you loved seemed almost unbearable, that and the fact that I had arrived almost thirty minutes earlier than he'd told me to. I found a small coffee shop close to his terminal, I sat sipping my hot mocha lost in thought and of course spacing out. It wasn't until I heard the familiar rich voice say my name that I looked up.

  " Becca? Becca Hughs, is that you?'' I looked into the all too familiar deep brown twinkling eyes, and smiled in disbelief.

  " Kevin?'' He laughed, walking closer to me. I stood up and gave him a small awkward hug, " Won't you join me?'' I ask being polite.

  " Sure, I haven't seen you since you and was it Annie?... Showed up in my tattoo parlor that day! How's that tat?'' I smiled, lifting my hair from my neck so that he could see. He traced the small butterfly with his warm finger, sending chills down spine. I grimaced, and let my hair fall turning back to face him.

  " We really didn't even get a chance to talk.'' He said, his chocolate eyes gleaming like always. I try to smile but can't. Kevin and I of course shared a history, he had been the only guy I had ever well, been with. This was not something Luke and I had ever discussed either, not that our pasts really mattered, but now that I'm sitting here with mine.

 " Yeah, uh well I hadn't really told Annie about us. I think she kind of guessed, but I didn't confirm anything.'' I can't help but bite my lip, it's a nervous gesture. One that unfortunately Kevin Knows all too well.

  " Well I'm just getting in to visit some of my family for the New Year, what do you say we grab a bite to eat and catch up?'' He suggests.

  " I wish I could Kevin, but I'm waiting on someone. His flight should be landing anytime now.'' I say looking at my watch. He gazes at me skeptically, and smiles.

  " You've changed.'' I shrug and sip my drink, conscious that his gaze drops to my finger that holds the rather large diamond solitaire. " Wow is that an engagement ring?'' He asks, grabbing my hand to study it closer. He lets out a soft whistle as I yank my hand back.

  " Yeah, and that's who I'm actually waiting for.'' I say avoiding his stare.

  " Well whoever he is, he is truly lucky.'' I look up to see that he means it sincerely. " And I guess that's my cue to go then.'' He says, rising to leave. I stand with him, and he pulls me in for one last hug. This time I hug him back, my heart squeezes with conflicting memories from our past. " See ya later Becs.'' He calls, I nod unable to speak past the lump in my throat. Aside from Luke, Kevin has been the only other person to use that silly nickname.

 I watch him walk away, and feel a warm large hand engulf my shoulder. " Who was that guy?'' Luke's silky voice fills my senses, and all thoughts of Kevin evade me.

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