Chapter Twenty: Then There Were...

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Becca's POV

  I watched life move so slowly in those precious seconds, this was real, this was raw, and the only thing I could do was stand frozen. I watched that gun go off, and Luke's body slump to the floor. My heart shattered into a million pieces, Lord why? Why did this happen? I felt your peace, is this what you thought would bring me peace? The only thing I felt was bitter and empty, and the only thing that kept me from screaming was Luke telling me to run.

  So I did, I ran and ran further away. My tears cascaded down my face like a waterfall, my friends were back there I prayed they didn't meet the same fate. I slowed as I saw what I thought were headlights coming down the lonely deserted gravel driveway, I hid my body behind a large tree shaking from head to toe and believe me it had nothing to do with the temperature. I kept picturing Luke's lifeless body, and the look poor Annie had in her eyes.

  The car parked close to mine, great well if this was an accomplice of Will's then I was found. The person that got out of the car was tall and a male, it was too dark to make any features out. Another person got out from the passenger seat, it had to be a woman because this person was very small compared to the other. " Rick, look it's Becca's car.'' Came Holly's loud whisper. I tensed, what were Holly and Rick doing here?

  " Yeah Luke told me he would be parking several feet from the house,'' He replied shrugging, they sloshed through the thick white snow towards the cabin. They were here to help? I slapped my forehead, this had been Luke's bright plan from the begging. My throat constricted, only now it was too late. I made a run for it going as fast as my legs would carry me, I called out to them as quietly as I could so as not to startle them.

  " Rick, Holly. Over here.'' I said in a loud whisper, they came over to another tree I had picked out to hide behind.

  " Becca, your ok!'' Holly let out a soft screech, none of us talked loud enough for anyone but us t hear. " Where's Luke?'' She asked, looking around the dark, snow covered lawn.

  " He, he's...'' I sputtered to get the words out, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. Rick pulled me into a hug, trying his best to awkwardly soothe me.

  " We came to get you.'' Rick said trying to lead me to his car, I jerked away from him as if he had just slapped me.

  " My family is in there, the love of my life is...'' I couldn't finish the sentence, it was just too painful to think about.

  " That may be true, but until the police show up, there is really nothing we can do. Unless you want us to end up like Luke.'' Again I felt as if I had been punched in the face, not because what he was saying wasn't the truth. There was just no way I could leave them, I shook my head and took off wordlessly in the direction of the cabin.

  I refused to live my life in fear any longer, maybe this was what God had wanted all along was for me to go in instead of Luke. My heart constricted every time I thought or heard his name being said, but I pulled myself enough together to get through the next few minutes. " Uh, where are you going?'' Holly asked, giving me a look like I was insane.

  " I'm going to do what I should have all along,'' I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her and Rick. " Make me this promise, promise me that when my friends walk out that door that you will be waiting close by in your car to take them and go.'' Holly shook her head furiously at my request, and Rick just chewed his lip nervously.

  " Becca they might kill you.'' Holly screeched, I let out a bitter laugh and sighed.

  " Then I'm ready to die Holly, I think they killed Lu...'' My voice broke, so I cleared my throat and tried again. " I think they killed Luke, and if that is the case then I have no reason to worry about living. He was my life, if I can't be with him on earth then I know I will see him in Heaven.'' I finished, causing Holly's lips to tremble. Rick swore under his breath, and clenched his fists.

Something to Talk About: Becca's Story- Sister's at Heart Book 2Where stories live. Discover now