Chapter 1: Jagged Beginning

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Fish lay on the cold wooden floor of his longpaws's den waiting to be called by his mother. His Black and white fur shining in the warm sunlight, which gently shone upon his back. His brothers Drew and Chew quickly stormed past him. "Somthing smells fishy around here I wonder who it could be" they teased meanly. Sometimes I wish mother didn't name me that...
Fish stared at his reflection in the clear reflective square thing on the wall, he gazed at the white fish shaped streaks trailing from his fore head to the back of the neck. He contined to stare through the small clear part of the wall, he could see his siblings sitting in a line, all of them wagging their tails excitedly waiting to be picked up by thier new longpaws. "Fish go line up with your brothers and sisters" his mother called her black and white border collie tail  drooped sadly. Fish began to sprint over. I can't believe today is the day that I meet my new long paws, I guess I'm a bit sad to leave my mother but! these new long paws will be like my new family!
Fish quickly shot through the small square flap in the longpaw's entrance door, he then sprinted towards his siblings, who were seated on the cold stone path leading away from his long paw's den but to instead the dirt noisy cage trail. He then elegantly stood beside his brothers and sisters, tail wagging, he was itching with excitement. "Hey Chew I bet Fish's smells to bad to be picked" Drew laughed menacingly.
"Ignore them..." his sister Rose whispered to Fish.
"They're only trying to annoy you" she growled at their laughter. A shiny yellow loud cage slowly paced its way towards the dogs.
It hapily haulted to a stop before Fish and his siblings. The noisy cage's  yellow side slowly opened up rivieling it's black smooth skinned inside. A female longpaws quickly steeped out from her noisy cage and dashed over to the array of puppy's. She was then kindly greeted by his mother's longpaw's before getting lead to one of his siblings, which the unfamiliar longpaws picked his sibling, maddie, then trailed back to her noisy cage with maddie in her arms.
Goodbye maddie.....

Fish slumped down onto the ground his white tipped tail carelessly wrapped around his nose. All the longpaws had so far take his siblings and there was only himself and his sister Rose left. Maybe they were right I probably am to smelly for longpaws...... "Fish do you think are twolegs are actually going to come" she anxiously whined.
"I honestly don't know...." Fish sadly told her.
SCREECH!!! A old, black rusted loud cage quickly halted to a stop before them, it's black circular wheels leaving a black trail behind it.
A foul scent flooded Fish's noise, as a dastardly looking long paw towards tore from his noisy cage and sprinted towards them, his dirty face calm but Fish could tell this wasn't the longpaws he had met. "I really don't think that's our long paw!" Rose Frantically barked as she reered to her hind legs and began helplessly calling for thier mother. The longpaws frustratedly lundged for Flash his long front paws swiftly searching for him. "Watch out!" Rose called to Fish just in time.
Fish carfully dodged his attempts be reluctantly padded backwards. It was no use........ he was cornered against thier longpaws's den. He slowly back away into a corner, hopefully calling out for help. Frustrated, he angrily dove forwards his long out streached arms viciously digging in fish side, before tightly holding Fish to against his chest, powerfully clamping his small muzzle shut. The longpaws then began to sprint towards his noisy cage, happiness shimmering in his cruel, clouded blue eyes. "Fish!" Rose howled. The small black and white border collie had ran after, in a desperate attempt to free Fish she bravely three herself longpaw biting down hard on his ankle. "AHHRRG" The long paw screamed in pain. Furious he strongly kicked Rose's ribs, she began gasping for as the longpaw joyfully scooped her up in his arms. "Rose..." Fish cried his voice muffled. Rose struggled against the longpaw's arms next to Fish as she tried to catch her breath. The longpaw quickly reached his noisy cage and frantically shoved Fish and Rose in the back of the noisy cage. "Rose are you...." Fish stared at Rose her almost lifeless body gasping for breath.
"Yeah I'm fine..." she coughed.
A terrified cry sliced through the air and paw steps could be heard not far away from the noisy cage's black soft inside wall.
"FISH, ROSE WE ARE COMING DONT WORRY" their mother howled as she and their longpaws bolted towards to noisy cage.
The noisy cage immediately learched into action and began to hurdle away from them.
"Fish I promise we will meet again" His mother loudly barked for which would seem like the last time. "Goodbye" Fish whined sadly as he silently rested his head on his paws. "This is going to be a rough ride" Fish whimpered to Rose as he crawled over to comfort her.
Rose opened her chestnut brown eyes and stared anxiously around the loud cage's insides.
Tears filled her eyes, she glanced up at Flash a tear running down her cheek. "Rose....... It'll be ok" He reassured her. Flash leant forwards and gently licked the tear from her cheek. "Hey!" She angrily snapped at him. Flash began to laugh, Rose eventually realised how silly she was to snap at him, and joined in laughing.
"That's the spirit!" Flash encouraged her with a smile.

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