Characters Chapter 1 and 2

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Leena: A young kind hearted female black and white border collie who is the mother of the pups

Sam: a mysterious patient male brown and white border collie who is Leena's mate and the pups father.

Fish/ Flash a strong, positive male pure bread black and white border collie, who is the oldest of his siblings. He was named fish from the fish shaped Marking of white on his upper forehead.

Maddie: a energetic brave female brown and white border collie, who is first to be picked up by the longpaws

Chew: a young rude energetic male brown and white border collie, who usually teases Fish. He got his name from his habit of chewing things especially shoes.

Rose: a caring, protective female black and white border collie, who is very close to Fish/ Flash

Drew: a stubborn retaliative male tricolour border collie.

Rani: a young female border collie cross kelpie with pointed ears a white belly and chest a black upper coat and white streaks under her eyes. She was also taken from her longpaws like Flash.

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