Chapter 2: The Wooden Hell

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"We're here!" The longpaw snarled as the noisy cage haulted to a stop. Fish slowly opened his eyes and padded towards his sister Rose, who was fast asleep at the back of the loud cage. "Rose wake up I think we're here" Fish whispered to his sister. Wherever here is, I don't know. Rose quickly jerked awake, her eyes widened with fear. "What happened....." Rose dazedly asked.
Flash looked around, everything was silent, the loud roaring of the noisy cage had ceased and thier was no sound from the longpaws. "Fish ?" Rose asked again hoping for an answer.
"I don't really know what happened but I do know now that we have arrived at wherever that horrible longpaw was taking us..." He exclaimed fear clouding his eyes. "We must be ready for anything that could happen..." Fish anxiously stuttered. Rose nodded before getting to her paws and looking around the soft black long paw belly. CREAK......! The back of the noisy cage loudly opened revealing the lush outside. Rose  swiftly leapt out of the old black loud cage followed by Fish, but were Sadly caught in the arms of the longpaw who then shut the back of the loud cage. He then proceeded to walk into the lush forest only following a dirt track. "Almost there, pups.......... then you can meet the rest of the family" his raspy voice evilly sniggered. What does he mean by the rest of the family.....
Fish shivered at the though, he then began to desperately wiggle and squirm against the longpaw's strong grasp. "Stop it or I'll put you in with our lion" the longpaw growled as he squashed Fish making it hard to breath. "Lion!" Fish panted as he quickly stop moving, to try and regain his breath. I've only heard of lions in my mother's stories their where huge vicious cat with claws as long as my muzzle! I never actually thought they were real. Fish flicked his gaze to Rose to see how she was doing. Rose lay squashed against his chest helplessly they both hoped he would let go of them soon. A huge clearing could be seen up ahead "Ere we are pups" The longpaw told them as gestured his head towards the wooden den structure like his longpaw's. Is this his house.....
Fish quickly picked mixed fear scent of many other animals especially dogs, loud wails and  whimpers could be heard from the wooden hell. The longpaw opened up a tall wood door which lead into the house. "Welcome to your knew home!" He roared in happy manianical laughter as he stepped inside. Fish gazed around and began to tremble with fear at what he saw. There was rows of cages and pens with cats, dogs and other animals crying for help. As they contined on Fish noticed their was many other rooms, other animals all desperately wailing and screeching out for help. They soon reached another door which lead to the out side. What is going to happen to us?!?!?
Fish stared at what was likely to be his and Rose's cage, it was fenced with a huge silver long paw fence and had some shade from trees from the forest hanging over. It was a fairly big cage with three smaller wooden dens in the far right hand side and it was all surrounded by the outback from as far as the pups could see. The long paw quickly threw Fish and Rose in before slamming the door shut, he then walking of laughing. "Ouch" Rose groaned as she struggled to her feet. "Come on Rose it's not that bad let's take a look around" Fish tried positivity tell her. "Yeah not that bad!" She angrily barked. "We're trapped in this filthy place with no escape and who knows what that longpaws is going to do to us!" She retorted upset. "Yeah not that bad....." she muttered. Fish decided there was no point arguing with her, so he left her to think, she obviously wasn't in a very good mood. I may as well look around this place
Fish ignored Rose and began to pad over to the three small dens in the far right hand side of the cage, the strange bright green strands of what seemed to be strange grass irritating his paws causing them to be itchy. "What is this stuff" he whispered as he stopped at the back of his small new den.
"I wonder why there's three......." he muttered before continuing. "It's for me...... and that grass stuff is called fake grass it's made from what longpaws call plastic" A unfamiliar dog told him before leaping out of her den to greet him. She was a kelpie cross border collie with a white belly, black over coat and brown markinging underneath her eyes. "I'm Rani, I was stolen from my longpaws just like you" she introduced herself. "I'm...." Fish stopped and thought for a second. this could change everything I would finally have a normal name! "I'm Flash" he proudly told her. Hmm Flash yeah that's a pretty good name.
"and over there is my sister Rose" Flash kindly told her.
"Nice to meet meet you Flash" She woofed he tail hapily wagging.
"Do you know what's happening to us.." Flash asked as he flicked his gaze to the door which the longpaw had exited through.
"Well from what I know he steals or captures animals like ya and then sells us to other long paws, he usually doesn't give us much food so we will have to rashin" she sadly told him.
"There must be a way out of here right?" Flash hopefully questioned her. Rani looked around and then fixed her gaze at the silvery fence before continuing. "I have been searching for a way out but the only way possible is under the fence but we have to use the dens to hide it otherwise the longpaw will find out" she whispered.
"But what about the other animals" Flash anxoisly asked. Rani shook her head "we would have to get the opener of the longpaw but it's to risky" she whinnied.
"Opener?" Flash curiosity asked her.
"It's a small grey rectangular object with a white pushable circle in the middle. You have to push on the circle in the middle to open all the cages" Rani told him
"As I said it's too risky" she shook her head.
"I guess your right, come I'll introduce you to Rose" Flash unhappily told her as he knew there was another way to free to obtain the opener he just hadn't thought of it yet. Two farm dogs hapily trotted over to Rose, who was lying down her back facing them and they l

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