Chapter 3: Free?

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"Flash wake up!" Rani frantically barked.
"What is it!" Flash quickly opened his to see two chestnut eyes staring at him through the entrance of his small wooden den. Flash rushed out of the door then streached in the moonlight of the bright night sky.
"What's the problem" he asked as Rani and Rose walked over to him.
"Well were done digging the escape tunnel" Rose excitedly told him as Rani quietly pushed her wooden den over reviling the tunnel they had dug. "Now this is where you come in" Rani continues, Flash begins to listen closely to her next words. "Hide in the bush next to the wooden entrance blocker, when longpaws comes out to change our water sneak inside and find opener, then sneak back out here and wait to the longpaw leaves in his noisy cage and free everyone and we'll direct them to the tunnel" Rose explained as she gestured Flash to the dense bush. Flash nodded and quickly jogged over to the thick fluffy bush. Rani and Rose then quickly got into place by fixing Rani den up to cover the tunnel, then they both hopped inside thier wooden den and waited. I really hope this works, if I'm caught it's all over.... Flash gulped as the wood entrance block flew open and the angry longpaw stormed out the entrance carfully balancing two water silver water bowls. Now's my chance!
Flash silently leapt forwards into the lonpaw's den scents of dogs flooded his nose and loud barking Rose up. Flash soon approached some of the cages. "Shhhh.... If you want to be want to be free be quiet!!" Flash barked. The barking and yapping quickly died down, so Flash continued onward through the den. If I were a longpaw where would a put the opener.
A sudden thought popped into his head, he then headed the longpaws's sleep room. Flash quickly entered the room and began to frantically search the room hopping the longpaw hadn't realised he had escaped. Somthing rectangular and grey caught his eye, it was lying upon the longpaws's bed. The opener!
Flash swiftly jumped onto the longpaw's grey covered bed and carfully snatched up the opener in his mouth making sure he didn't press the button. I got it!
A door slammed shut and footsteps could be heard trailing into the the den heading out the entrance of the den to the longpaws's disgusting noisy cage. Flash held his breath and quietly scuttled under the longpaws bed. Few I thought he was coming in the room for a second....

"Did you get it?" Rose anxoisly asked Flash as he gently pushed the wooden entrance block open and came quietly rushing out.
"Yes" Flash panted aa he looked back at the longpaws's den to make sure he was gone.
"Ok good" Rani congratulated before going to help rose move the den and test the tunnel.
Flash watched as Rose easily crawled through the tunnel and out the other side without breaking a sweat. "The tunnel is so deep it could fit a lion!" Rose cheered before quickly scuttling back under to Rani. "Ok Flash, the tunnel seems big enough for all the animals. So you free them and make sure to direct them to us." Rani sternly told him. Flash nodded and padded of in the other direction towards the wooden entrance block and shoved it fully open with his nose. Ok now for the other animals I have to make sure they are calm so they don't attack any attention from the longpaw. He then continued into the room with rows of silvery cages and fences, barking yapping, yowls, squawks and squeaks tang from the cages and pens full of animals. "If you don't quiet down we'll be caught and you won't be freed!" Flash's Bark cutting through the nose causing silence. Good, now I can get to work
Flash firstly approached what seemed to be a section of dogs, they all stared at him hopeful eyes locked on his every move. "Thank you so much" a young female boxer cried. "Yes thank you, thank you, thank you!" Many other dogs followed each duping thier head with respect for their hero. Without him they would have never been free and would be forced to suffer in the treacherous long paws cages. Eventually they slowly quieted down and Flash contined.
"Ok when I push down this button you all must go to the opened back entrance block, there you will find my friends Rani and Rose who have dug a tunnel and try not to rush we have plenty of time" Flash assured them as he pressed down hard on the button causing the patches of the cages to fly up, setting dogs free. They all excitedly rushed out, each hopping they would finally be free. "Now for the other animals.." Flash murmured.
"Hey let me help you kid" the male voice was kind yet stern causing Flash to immediately whip around the meet this friendly dog.
"I'm Fern" a  tall all beige Great Dane friendly barked.
"Oh thanks! You can do that side, just tell them where to go!" Flash hapily told him. Fern nodded and paced over to some other animals Flash contined to walk onwards until he came to the cats row. "I'm going to get you out then you have to go to the open wooden entrance block, my friends will then lead you out of a tunnel" Flash told the cats. They all stayed silent and stared at him, Flash now noticed some bigger cats with them maybye even lions!
Maybye cats can't speak dog...
"Thank you I will tel the others and also it's not an entrance block it's called a door..." a female cat's voice echoed. "Oh and I'm Maria and I can translate to them" she kindly laughed.
"Oh thank you " Flash was amazed, this helped a lot. Chatter began rising up from everywhere and Flash contined opening cages and pens until only him and Fern were left to leave through the tunnel. "Come on through here" Flash told Fern as he quickly dived through the tunnel and hapily scuttled out and ran into the forest with his friends. Flash stopped at a near by tree and finally breathed in the pristine air of the forest. Rani and Rose ran up beside him both laughing hapily, they were both followed by Fern and Maria. What now?.....

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