The Wild Dogs

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Flash tiredly yawned, then crawled out of the tree hollow he had stayed in with Rose that they'd been staying at for the last few moons.
"Everyone awake now?" Fern asked.
He stood in the middle of a clearing, where the five friends had decided to sleep at last night.
"Yep" Rani yawned as she stretched her hind legs, before padding over to talk to Flash.
"Did you sleep well" Flash kindly asked.
"Yeah, Thank the spirit dogs it didn't rain otherwise I would have been frozen alive!" She laughed.
"Well.... umm your always welcome to share a den with me" He happily offered before shyly staring at his paws.
"But... I only just met you...."  she embarrassed told him.
"Rani, I didn't mean it like that!.... uh it's just I wouldn't want you to freeze" he blushed as he frantically told her.
Rani smiled and then trailed off towards Fern.
Ahh no! Rani probably thinks I'm really weird now.... I hope this doesn't make our friendship weird....
"Hey Flash!" Maria Excitedly ran up to him and skidded to the side.
"Ahhh!" Shocked by The interruption of his deep thoughts he launched himself upwards, losing his balance he fell backwards onto his side. Maria burst out in laughter.
Flash looked up at her and laughed too.
"But sierously Are you ok?" You seemed really concentrated, sorry for scaring you" she shyly smiled before apologising. "You don't need to apologise, I can be a big scaredy-cat sometimes" Flash joked, he loved to see her smile. She always so happy and positive, she the first cat I've met that is actually nice.
Flash was lost deep thought staring at her.
"Uhh Flash, you there?, I was wondering if you wanted to come hunting with me" Her muffled voice quietly echoed through is head.
Flash shook himself out of the trance. "Sorry just have a lot on my mind" he embarrassedly laughed.
"What about hunting?" She repeated herself again.
"Of sorry... yes of course I'll come, I'd never miss an opportunity to spend time with you" He shyly told her.
Maria blushed and curled her tail around her paws. "Come on lets go then!" Maria quickly broke the silence as she rushed off into the forest.
"Hey wait up!" Flash called
He quickly chased after her and after not long they made it to a sunlit clearing.
" Flash see if you can smell anything, we can hunt together to catch a deer or somthing" She explained, her short grey fur shinning in the sun. Flash nodded and opened his mouth to catch a scent. Immediately the fresh scent of a hare wafted into his nose. "A smell a hare this way follow me" Flash tells her pointing his paw like an arrow. Maria nods her gently nods her head and follows behind Flash into the dense, dry thickets of the forest. Flash slows down and flicks his tail to signal to Maria to stop. Flash quickly sees the hare and crouches down ready to stalk towards it, Maria right behind him. Oh no I forgot to tell her I don't know how to hunt...
Flash let's out an anxious breath and softly creeps towards the brown hare, fixating his brown eyes on its neck.
All I have to do is stalk towards it and not make a sound, then pounce even I if I miss I should be able to catch it.....
Flash anxoisly stalks closer, his paws shaking with nervousness. 3,2,1.....
Flash gulped down the tension building in his throat and lent back ready to spring forward. Flash lunches himself forwards with all his might. The hare let out a supposed screech at the sight of the sudden predator and began to bolt forwards. "No!" Flash muttered in anger.
He swiftly lunged forwards dove on top of the hare blocking its escape with his paws. He powerfully bit down on its thick, furry neck until sweet, red blood trickled into his mouth. Flash sighed with relief and sprung up in surprise as he heard footsteps behind him. He spun around quickly, only to realise it was Maria slowly walking towards him. "Im surprised you got that it looked it was going to escaped" she congratulated him and comfortably sat next to him. "You haven't hunted before have you...." she asked curiously.
"How did you know!" Flash asked with shock. Can this cat read minds or somthing!
"Well when you were crouching your butt was in the air and you pounced up instead of forwards" she laughed akwardly.
"I guess I did do that..." Flash chucked remember back how he stalked towards the rabbit.
"Come let's look for something else this will certainly not fill up 4 dogs and a cat" she laughed, picking up the hare and burying in a small hole she had dug in the dirt. Flash opened his mouth to scent for any other prey as they walked onwards. A strong scent of deer filled his mouth, it was close. "There a deer and it's close follow me.." Flash worriedly told her and then raced off towards it. Finally somthing filling to eat!
The deers scent was becoming stronger but another scent wafted into his mouth, it was a musky scent, decently not a rabbit or deer. A sudden rustle sounded from a thick gorse bush, causing Flash to vault in his tracks Maria skidding behind him as the mysterious scent flooded his nose. Three _____ launches themselves from from their surroundings circle the two friends. "What are you doing on Ember pack territory!" The larger______ snarled viciously. "We has no idea it was your territory!" Flash barked in surrender. "We meant no harm!" Maria backed him up angrily sitting to look at the leading dog. "You are friends with this cats that speaks dog tongue..." the _____ asked in confusion. "Yes I guess so..." Flash replied. Cat that speaks Dog tongue does that mean most cats can't understand dogs!
"Show to me too your other friends and we will bring you to Alpha to see what she think..." He growled in annoyance.
"And don't say your to only two because your friends scents are all over you" the _________ to his right spoke.

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