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·Le Grand Paris·

Adrien's boredom with today's photo shoot was high. After all, it was just Vincent snapping picture after picture of him, telling him to display every happy emotion that came to mind and a hand full of others. Eventually, Vincent got fed up with Adrien's lack of enthusiasm and told him to take a break while he tried to figure out how to make the photos better. Adrien took off and grabbed his bag intending to check his phone messages but when he opened the bag he realized Plagg wasn't in it.

Adrien looked around frantically as he whispered, "Plagg, Plagg?" When he didn't get a reply he really started to worry and began to search all around. "Plagg this isn't funny, come out."

After a few minutes of searching and no sign of Plagg, Adrien was starting to panic.

"Where could he be?" He said softly to himself as he looked in his bag again hoping that Plagg would be there, just like his phone had been after it mysteriously disappeared but no luck.

Adrien couldn't help the terrifying thought that swirled in his head. When did I lose him? He was in my bag when I arrived at the school. I must have left him at the school. How did I lose him? Was he taken? Is he okay? How do I find him and get him back?! What if there is an Akuma! Adrien glanced at the clock his break wouldn't be long enough to go back to the school and search. I can't search the school until tomorrow. He groaned in frustration, what if Ladybug needs me?! If only I didn't have to go to that unveiling for my father's new designs.

Adrien couldn't believe he'd lost Plagg, how could he have been so careless! He hadn't checked his bag before leaving the school and now Plagg was missing. I hope he's okay, he thought as he checked his messages before then headed back to his photo shoot. Near the end of the shoot, Chloé entered the room and ran towards Adrien.

"Adrikins!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around him dramatically and held tightly just as Vincent snapped one last photo knowing it would be pointless to insist on continuing now that Chloé had arrived, he began packing up. "I'm so excited for the unveiling of your father's new designs, are you ready to go!"

Chloé had been looking forward to this all day, while Adrien was now dreading it. They were always so boring. Adrien glanced in Vincent's direction to make sure he had finished.

"Sure, let me just grab my stuff," Adrien replied.

Even though any other person would have noticed sadness and worry in his voice he knew Chloé was oblivious, he pulled away from her and grabbed his bag. Chloé was way more interested in Gabriel's latest designs then paying attention to Adrien's distressed tone.

As soon as he had picked his bag up she said, "Let's go!"

Adrien knew this was just how Chloé was but lately, it had been bothering him more. She seemed almost incapable of empathy or kindness unless it benefited her. As they exited the room a girl bumped into Adrien and then looked up at him in surprise.

"I'm sorry..." She began "Wait you're Adrien Agreste, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lyra. I absolutely adore your work and your father's designs. Would you mind signing an autograph for me?"

Lyra seemed sweet and was obviously close to his own age, "Sure Lyra," he replied.

Even though he hated signing autographs he held out his hand. Chloé scoffed and rolled her eyes, as she looked Lyra over. Lyra reached for her designer bag and opened it to grab out a pen and a magazine which Adrien was on the cover of. She quickly handed them to him.

"Thanks!" She said with a grin as Adrien quickly signed the cover and handed it back to her. "I hope to become a model one day." She said as she looked down at the magazine, "It would be so amazing to see myself on the cover of a popular magazine."

Adrien was about to reply when Chloé cut in, "You a model? Seriously! Your clothes and bag are so last season and don't even get me started on your name." Chloé wrapped her arm around Adrien's and leaned on him as she practically dragged him away, "Let's go Adrien."

Adrien should have known she wouldn't stay quiet. Chloé pulled him past Lyra and down the hall, he glanced back over his shoulder, he felt sorry for her.

"Really Chloé?" His voice said it all, he knew she didn't care one bit about hurting Lyra's feelings.

·Le Grand Paris· & ·Hawkmoth's Lair·

"That girl was so rude, I can't believe her. Who does she think she is?!" Lyra said as she shoved her pen back into her bag roughly and continued looking down at the magazine.

"Crushed dreams are devastatingly tragic and strong are the emotions caused by being embarrassed in front of your idol." Hawkmoth abridged as he held his hand out for one of his akumas, "Go to her, my little Akuma and together we shall help her achieve her dream."

Lyra put the magazine back in her bag just as the little black butterfly landed on it.

{Mortifier, I am Hawkmoth. Embarrassment and crushed dreams are no longer in your future. From now on, you won't be embarrassed, everyone else will be, and you can show the world that you are born for the front cover! In return for your happiness, I only ask one thing- help me convince Ladybug and Chat Noir that they are an embarrassment to Paris and they should hand over their miraculous.}

"Yes, Hawkmoth." Lyra Replied before Hawkmoth's Akuma took its hold.

Lyra morphed into an akumatized wearing a fashion never seen before. She had a head-dress with a large butterfly on the right side. Trailing down the side towards her neck where many smaller ones intermingled with sapphires. Her dress was midnight blue with black vertical stripes. Later after layer popped out till it hit her knees. A black belt crossed her waist. Her coat was as black as night with blue lining just visible around the collar. It followed the shape of her dress to her knees. The sleeves ended just at her wrist. Under her coat, she hid her purse. A slightly later shade of blue than her dress with identical black stripes and a small butterfly against the handles almost invisible to the eyes. Her hair was so dark it looked almost purple. She was stunning. The perfect model.

Hawkmoth had gotten better at designing akumas and choosing ones that hid their Akuma item making them harder to find and cleanse.

• • •

Credit where Credit is due:
The *Akuma design* was written by [phoenix|], I asked them to write it.

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