'Our' Spot

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·Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie·

When Marinette landed at home she quickly detransformed to give Tikki a quick break so she could eat.

"How are you planning to get me back to Chat, Marinette?" Plagg asked while Tikki ate her cookie.

"I'm going to take you to the one place that only Chat and I could think of the Eiffel Tower. Where he had that beautiful candlelight evening planned," Marinette replied while she watched the news replay for any sign of what the Akuma might be so she could capture it. She wasn't having any luck.

Plagg groaned, "He's such a romantic, it's sickening. He complains that he can't see you all the time but he totally does."

Marinette turned to look at Plagg, as Tikki's eyes widened, "Plagg!"

Tikki called out so he would stop talking. Luckily Marinette hadn't realized that Plagg was saying they knew each other intimately as civilians.

Marinette couldn't help but ask a question, "He really does love Ladybug doesn't he, Plagg?"

Plagg didn't answer right away he glanced at Tikki who shrugged. She didn't see how the answer to that question would reveal Adrien's identity after all lots of people did.

"I think he really does," Plagg replied.

Marinette went to turn back to her computer but caught a glimpse of Adrien's photos as she did, "I wish I could return his feeling but I can't." She said softly as she looked at the photo of Adrien, the thought of giving him up hurt her heart she didn't think she could do it.

Tikki made sure Plagg didn't cause anymore trouble. She was nearly finished with her cookie now. Plagg flew over to her and landed on her shoulder, purring softly again. He didn't know why when Adrien was love-sick he wanted nothing to do with him but when Marinette was he didn't want to leave her.

"Thanks, Plagg," Marinette said softly as she watched the news feed one last time trying to find the Akuma.

"All done, Marinette. Should we get this kitten back to Chat?" Tikki asked.

Marinette was going to have a hard time forgetting Plagg. Actually, Tikki knew she wouldn't forget him just learn to live without him for now.

"Yes, it’s time." Marinette said sadly, "I'm going to miss you Plagg."

"I'm going to miss you too Marinette," Plagg said and hugged her face while he purred softly.

Marinette gave him a quick kiss before she set him on the table so she could transform, the two both had sad looks, "Tikki, spots on."

Once she was fully transformed she took Plagg gently in one hand and climbed the stairs to the balcony, "You'll take good care of Chat for me right, whoever he is under the mask."

For a moment Plagg was silent, stunned that even though she didn't love Chat she still cared about him, "Of course, Marinette."

"Thank you, Plagg," Marinette replied before she tossed her yo-yo and began the journey to the Eiffel Tower to meet Chat.

·La Tour Eiffel·

Adrien stepped off the lift and scanned the area for Ladybug, it didn't take long for him to spot her, as he approached he checked the area nearby, no one was close. As he approached he noticed she wasn't moving almost like a statue, she sat cross-legged on the ground with her hands held as if something was inside. When he got even closer he could see that she had her eyes closed tight. "I'm here, M'lady," Adrien said as he looked down at Ladybug giving her shoulder a gentle touch.

"I knew you would figure it out." She said as a smile formed on her lips, "I think this little guy belongs to you." Ladybug said softly.

His nickname for her mad it clear it was him, plus she trusted her heart. With her eyes still closed lightly, she raised her hands up.

"Take a peak." She held her hands out and waited silently.

Surprise flashed across Adrien's face, she was certain it was him without opening her eyes. He reached out and gently moved her top hand out-of-the-way.

Plagg zoomed into Adrien's face. "Kid!"

"Plagg! You're alright! What were you doing with M'Lady?!"

Honestly, he was so relieved that he was more jealous of Plagg getting to hang out with Ladybug then he was upset that he had gotten lost. Ladybug smiled as she dropped her hands to her lap and almost forgot that Chat wasn't transformed as she listened to the exchange.

She wanted to see who Plagg's companion was but knew she couldn't, "Chat, Plagg can explain later currently we have an Akuma to capture." she said softly.

She was a little sad that she wouldn't get to see Plagg again she'd grown fond of the little Kwami.

"She's right kid," Plagg said as he backed away and looked at Adrien.

Adrien was instantly brought back to reality "Right sorry just a second, Plagg, Claws out." After Adrien was fully transformed he leaned down and took Ladybug's hand, "You can open your eyes now." He said before helping her up. Thanks for looking after, Plagg M'lady. I hope he wasn't too much of a bother."

Once Ladybug was on her feet, she looked at Chat directly, "He's no worse than you are."

Ladybug teased with a grin before walking toward the rail and looking off the edge of the Eiffel Tower down to the street below.

Chat was bewildered and intrigued by Ladybug, "How did you know I would find you?"

Chat asked as he followed her to the rail and looked off the edge with her.

Ladybug glanced at him, "I didn't, but I had to give it a try. I knew you would most likely figure it out, eventually."

"And what if it wasn't me who showed up?" Chat replied.

After all, she didn't know who he was and she didn't look before he transformed he could have been anyone. Ladybug chuckled softly, she knew he was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened.

"Who else could figure out that clue but you?"

Chat nodded, Ladybug and Marinette were technically the only ones other than himself that might have come up with this spot but even if Marinette had figured it out she wasn't him and Ladybug would have known that.

"But how did you know it was me?" He asked.

"Silly kitty, I knew it was you because you're the only one who calls me M'lady. You told me who you were without even realizing." She replied as she nudged her shoulder against him playfully. "I wouldn't have given Plagg to just anyone."

Chat gave a slight sigh of relief as looked down at her with a smile he much preferred when she was playful with him instead of teasing him.

"Now come on, we need to find that Akuma. Adrien told me that he stashed Chloé in her suite, let's check in her and then start our search from there." She said before preparing to jump.

"Right behind you, M'lady." Chat Noir replied watching Ladybug as she took for Le Grand Paris admiring her for just a moment before he followed.

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