The Unveiling

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·Le Grand Paris·

When they reached the roof next to the hotel they both used their x-ray scanners to peak into the building. Honestly, neither of them wanted to deal with Chloé if they didn’t have to. Chloé was dancing around her room with a cardboard cutout of Adrien from his commercial.

“I swear every time we do this we see her doing something totally embarrassing.”

Chat said as he internally shuddered at the thought of being in the room with Chloé still. He could have been the one dancing with her and not his cardboard cutout.

“I’m glad that’s not actually me in there.” He said without thinking.

It didn’t matter much though since he was Chat it was still true.

“She doesn’t even know you exist Chat.” Ladybug replied. "She's so focused on me that you're not even on the radar."

You would be surprised, he thought to himself as he chuckled, “I’m assuming that’s a good thing considering.”

He was glad that when it came to superheroes Chloé preferred Ladybug it was nice to see someone else being tormented by her for a change.

“Well, it doesn’t look like Mortifier is here we should keep moving.” Ladybug said before she took off with Chat at her side.

“Where do you think we should check first?” he asked but as soon as the words were out of his mouth they heard screams and he changed direction. “I guess that answers my question.”

·Place des Vosges·

When they landed at the park they could see people running from the scene trying to get away from Mortifier, “I will keep revealing people’s secrets until someone brings me Chloé Bourgeois or her most embarrassing secret.”

“Are you sure you really want to know her most embarrassing secret?” Chat asked as he prepared for a fight with Ladybug by his side, “I know a few of them and I would rather not know them if I’m honest.”

Ladybug giggled she knew what he meant she’d rather not remember her pretending she was Ladybug or dancing with Adrien’s cutout either.

“Some things are better left unknown, Mortifier.”

Mortifier turned to look at them.

{Get me their miraculous, her earrings, his ring or I you will never find out that girl's embarrassing moments.}

“Give me your miraculous, or you will be telling me your secrets for my cover.”

“Not likely.” Ladybug replied, “Any idea what the Akuma might be I have tried to figure it out but nothing is sticking out.”

Mortifier lunged at them before Chat had time to respond and they dove in separate directions. Mortifier speed between them as they regrouped behind her.

“Not a clue. I was even watching your fight with her earlier to figure it out but it’s just not sticking out to me.” Chat replied as Mortifier launched another attack on them narrowly missing again.

She growled and pulled something out of her bag, she had a large pen in her hand.

“I’ve had enough it’s time for you two to tell me you more embarrassing story, or perhaps I will simply write it for you.”

“You don’t think it’s the pen, do you?” Ladybug asked Chat.

Chat shook his head as he prepared to defend them, “No I’m guessing it’s something else in her bag something she’s hiding. That’s just her weapon.”

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