By: Jeremy R. Rutherford
I'm going to talk about energy control, your energy vs. what goes on around you.
We have emotions, reactions, choices, consequences, circumstances, expectations and projections; at the heart of most of these lies some form of personal energy that we have invested into them. What can be done, with a little mental effort and focus is controlling how we respond to them. Down to the core emotions, our "turns" can be self-controlled. Ask yourself a series of questions, what affects you in which manner and is that emotion appropriate? How big is the issue in the scope of things? How personal is it to you or those around you? Evaluate the properties and assign a reaction/ emotion to it. Not because of groupthink, but because of youthink. Put your energy into where you want it to grow and don't waste it.
Envision an emotional switchboard with on and off switches and use it according to the situation, channel yourself on a personal level. On another level, envision a defense system against those who seek to harm and manipulate you. This is your resolve. Control yourself and your sphere, do not let others have the wheel. That energy always goes somewhere, don't allow it to be turned on you.