Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Mason, where did you get this?" Maddie remembered seeing Z on the checks her father had in his desk last year.

"It was for dad, but I snatched it before he saw it." Mason looked over her shoulder. "Who's Z?"

"Last year, I found checks from daddy's desk involving some company with a Z on it, and it turned out to be Caleb and his Olympian pals," Maddie explained. "They ransomed daddy and everything for my blood, but he refused and had a plan set. Then I was kidnapped and sacrificed." Maddie saw glanced at Mason dressed in his hunting gear, ready to fight whatever monster was out there. Maddie knew her brother better than she knew herself, and she knew he was going to the address on the invite to kill Zeus. "Mason, how long has this been here?"

"A few days," Mason admitted.

"And I'm just finding out now?" Maddie asked him, following him into the bathroom. She grabbed his arm and forced him to stop walking. "Mason, don't go."

"I'm not going alone," Mason assured her. He gestured towards Alex, who looked like he was about to pee himself.

"No, you are not because I'm coming!"

"No, you are not."

"Mason, we've been a team since I was inducted into The Hunter's Council, so this mission is also my mission. We are a team!"

"I'm going with Alex and Ben!" Mason exclaimed at her with impatience. "No offense, but I don't want my little sister tagging along with me one every mission I go on. It's getting annoying now."

Maddie whipped her head so fast that she almost had whiplash. Maddie looked at Alex with betrayal that he would keep this from her. Maddie felt like she had to be angry, but she felt more disappointed more than anything. "You knew about this?" Maddie asked Alex. Alex slowly nodded his head. "Ben? He did too?'

"I called them both earlier today if they wanted to come and kill him," Mason defended. "Don't be angry at them. Be angry at me."

Maddie looked at Mason, almost breaking down in tears. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I need to do this!" Mason exclaimed at her. "After everything those assholes did to our family, they deserve to pay! He hurt you in ways that you won't even talk about! Zeus is the reason why those demi-gods kidnapped you."

"That's my fight then." Maddie crossed her arms and swore to herself. "Don't get involved, Mason. Please. If something were to happen to you, I'd never forgive myself. Zeus is dangerous! You've never fought an Olympian before, therefore you don't know what you're up against!"

"If I can handle killing a dozen demi-gods back at the skyscraper, then I think I can take down a God." Mason pushed past her and walked towards the door.

"Mason, you chickened out on our last mission involving Felix Schneider—one of the most dangerous vampires of all time!" Maddie exclaimed angrily. "You have no idea what Zeus is capable of!"

"I guess I won't know until I get there then!" Mason yelled at her.

Maddie jumped when she heard the anger in his voice. She never heard him this angry before and it scared her. An angry hunter going hunting was a recipe for disaster. Going after a God was a recipe for disaster—war. Mason was just asking for a war to break out. Mason didn't seem to budge with that idea. Mason Alex out the door. Mason ignored her pleas to come back and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

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