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"Tomaronas! Come here please!" I look up from my book, tilting my head as I set it down and fly over to the voice. I had been busy in one of the split towers, trying to figure out how I'm supposed to untangle a fishing net from the book. When I arrive, I see my closest friend, a slightly older shadow, Renicu.

He had light red skin, jet black hair held in a low ponytail with sharp blood red horns poking out, pure black eyes with red centers, pointed ears and sharp fangs. He wore a black T-shirt, a red leather jacket, black jeans, red sneakers, and a black bandanna tied around his neck. He had a long black tail with a triangle barb on the tip, and he had the large black blade wings us shadows possessed folded against his back

"Bey Renicu, what's up?" He pulled out a scroll of paper and handed it to me. "I need you to take this to the Queen please. I have too much to do as it is to do it right now." I just nodded and took it. I understood what he meant though.

Renicu was in charge of the repair departments, and made sure everything was in order. However, a lot of nets got broken and tangled up when a large group of fishers got their nets caught and ensnared up in the ruins of an old tower they didn't see under the water.

I nodded my head and spread my own pair of black blade wings which glowed a royal blue and I took to the air and flew out onto the balcony, then up into the air

The tower I was working in lay near the edge of the other 26, so I flew past some of the black towers. I could see the red Ocean glowing far below me. The dark blood red sky gleamed softly on my solid black eyes. My long black tail swayed behind me, blue diamond shaped barb flashing in the dim light, helping me steer around some other shadows who were flying around and headed to the largest tower in the city. I gripped tightly onto the paper with my black hands, blue claws gleaming slightly, and beat my wings to fly up to the top of a huge window.

My fluffy black ears flickered lightly as I landed on a stone perch, my paw like feet keeping me from falling off and falling to the bottom of the tower. I looked up to a huge black stone throne embedded with blood red rubies. I nervously adjusted my black T-shirt as I walked forward, then called out, "My Queen, are you here?"

"Yes." I squeaked and whipped around to see her hovering upside down behind me, her wings glowing a deep purple. Her pale skin shined a slight red in the light, and her pure purple eyes stared dead into my own. Her black hair hung in a low, long black ponytail with black cat ears sticking out along with a large pair of purple ram horns, a long black cat tail, a long purple scaled tail waving slightly behind her, black spike gleaming.

She wore only black leggings and a tight purple crop top, showing the familiar symbol of the shadows on her stomach, an eye looking exactly like hers, and her name just below it, Mala. She was also 6 foot 4 inches, and appeared 23 years old, even though she was really thousands of years old.

I was only 19 years old and 5 foot 4 inches in comparison.

She hovered upright, her sharp teeth showing as she smiled. "So what brings you here Tomaronas?" She purred. She knew every single shadow's name, so I wasn't surprised.

I swallowed hard, trying to regain my nerves, as I was very easily startled, and it didn't help that I didn't often meet her. "Uh... Renicu gave me this letter, to give to you." I stated. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she settled on the ground and bent down to my height. She simply held out her hand, her sharp purple claws showing. I hesitantly reached out my black arm and set the paper in her hand.

She grabbed the paper, then reached her other hand out and rested it on my pale cheek. She grinned down at me. "Why so nervous Tomaronas?" I just said shyly, "Um...I don't really get to see you often my queen.

Shadow Bane (TordTom) [Moved]Where stories live. Discover now