4-The Hell Is That!?

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(Third P.O.V.)

Tom woke up a little later that day as golden light streamed in through the window and blinded him. He hissed and dove to the other side of the bed out of the way of the light.

Growing up in a much darker environment ment he was very sensitive to this sort of light. He then heard footsteps and Matt walked in. "Tim? Are you okay?" Wait. How the Hell did he already forget my name? Tom thought to himself.

He just brushed it aside and hissed, "It's too damn bright." Matt blinked a few times in confusion, then walked over to the window. And closed the blinds, making the room far darker than before.

"Is that better?" Tom nodded in reply and stood. His stomach then chose that moment to growl, very loudly, and he groaned in pain and held his stomach. The meat strips weren't enough to satisfy my large appetite from earlier that morning.

Matt gasped, then he picked up the small shadow and raised him up above his head as he ran out. Tom hissed loudly as he did this, confused at what he was doing, but did not try to escape his hold.

"EDD!!! The new smol bean is hungry!" Tom squeaked as Matt ran down the stairs and set him on a chair around a table out of the light of the window. Tord sat across from Tom and looked at Matt like he was crazy, then at him.

"Do we even know what the Hell he eats?" Tom huffed in annoyance at this. "If you must know, my kind eats a lot of fish, you damn bastard." He hissed

"Hey! No fighting now, alright?" Edd hissed, and Tom relaxed a little bit, he liked Edd, he was nice to him. He then set a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and three cinnamon rolls in front of him

He picked up the brown thing and sniffed it, curious as to what it was. It smelled sweet, yet carried no smell of meat that he was used to. He took a bite anyway, and let's just say he could fit all three in his mouth, with plenty of room to spare.

"Tom! Slow down you could choke!" Edd cried out. Tom only hissed in response as he then swallowed the tasty food down whole, not choking at all. "You were saying?" He said smugly. Shadows have no gag reflex, and have expandable throats, so as to swallow the fish they consume so much whole.

Edd only stared at him in shock, when Matt asked, "Can you swallow any sized food?" Tom smiled. "Well, I can swallow anything that is smaller than the circumference of my throat." He said as he took a gulp of his juice, as the cinnamon rolls stuck to his throat a little, which wasnt to comfortable.

"Oh then I guess you can't swallow my dick." Tom immediately spat out and choked on his juice from what Tord just said, and Edd quickly began to scold him and Matt ran out screaming.

Tord only laughed about it, like it was a funny joke. "It's not funny you ass hole!" Tom growled loudly. "Sure it is, you just don't know an-" Edd cut Tord off by smacking him on the back of the head. "No."

It was Tom's turn to chuckle at Tord, as he now had to deal with Edd. Tom just ate the rest of the food, which was really good!

After he finished, he wasn't sure what to do, as he didn't really know where Matt went, and Edd was still going off on Tord, who was talking back.

Tom just decided to go into another room with a large couch and TV. He saw a window and peeked outside curiously, tail flickering behind him.


His ears perked up and he looked around curiously to see what the source of the noise was. He then looked down when Tom felt something, and saw a furry grey creature with green eyes sniffing his arm.

A cat.

Tom scooted away from it, not sure what it was, but it followed him, curious as to who the stranger was. He stood and began to walk away, but it still followed him!

Which soon leads up to Tom running around, screaming and shrieking with the cat chasing me. He then ran upstairs to try and escape it.

"Tom, what's wrong?" Matt asked as he peeked out of his room after Tom went upstairs, and with no hesitation he leaped up onto the tall ginger and clung into him, shaking as his pure black eyes never left the furry creature that just stood there on all fours, meowing up at him.

Edd soon came up, followed by Tord. "What's going on?" Edd asked worriedly. Tom then pointed at the furry creature and shrieked, "What is that!?"

Edd and Matt looked surprised, while Tord just laughed at the poor shadow. "Stop laughing at me Asshole!" Tom shrieked and clung into Matt tighter

Edd then reached down and picked up the cat, which alarmed the Shadow. Why in the Gods name would he do that!? Tom thought to himself.

"Hey, it's okay. This is just my cat Ringo, she won't hurt you." Edd explained as he walked closer. Tom just curled closer to Matt, hissing slightly. The 'cat' was curled up to Edd.

"Come on, just pet her, like this." He said as he gently ran a hand over her head, causing her to purr slightly. Tom was hesitant at first, but he trusted Edd, so he reached a clawed black hand out and went to pet her back, when she reached a paw out and dragged his hand to her cheek.

Tom's eyes lit up as he felt her fur. She was so soft! Edd noticed and chuckled as Tom climbed off Matt and continued to pet Ringo.

"Do you want to hold her?" Edd asked, to which Tom just nodded. Edd instructed him to have his arms a certain way, then he carefully set her in his arms.

Tom's eyes seemed to sparkle and he plopped onto the floor and just cuddled with Ringo happily, nuzzling her soft fur and purring, then he heard her purrs and let out a slight squeal, cuddling her more.

He officially loved this cat!

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