3-New Home

665 46 18

(Tomaronas's P.O.V.)

I wearily opened my eyes, confusion clouding my mind. Where am I? I thought as I attempted to sit up. But I then realized I was laying on something soft, with a blanket over me. I winced a little as I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head and side. Upon touching it, I realized that I had a nasty bruise on my head, and my side was bandaged, along with my shoulder and leg.

I growled as I got up and sniffed at the air for danger, only for a delicious smell to reach me. I climbed off the soft surface, wincing a little as I stepped on my injured leg and moved onto all fours. I crept out of that room and entered a brighter one with a hard smooth surface and a stone slab on a material like the short brown towers when I came into this world, only smooth. I froze though at what was just across the room a few feet away.

I saw a human male wearing a red hoodie, his long light brown hair forming two horns. He was cooking something on a metal thing with flame coming from it. Then, a shout came from above us. "Tord! I need help please!"

He groaned loudly in annoyance and turned around. I kept as still as possible, merging with the shadows from the dark room I was still in. He then moved the food onto a plate and headed upstairs, not seeing me.

I sniffed the air again, the smell making my mouth water and black saliva drip down my chin. I didn't eat yesterday, so I was starving!

I crept over on all fours until I got to the stone slab and stood. It appeared to be strips of some kind of meat. My stomach growled, reminding me of my hunger once again

I picked up one of the thin strips and stuffed it in my mouth. I chirped in delight as I shoved a few more in my mouth. It tasted really good, better than fish even!


I froze and wearily turned my head, only to see the red hooded male behind me, his silver eyes staring into my black voids, a metal contraption aimed for my head.

"Who and what the Hell are you?" He questioned, anger in his eyes. I begin to quake in fear. Was this where I would die? At the hands of a human?

A shout then came from the room I was just in, "TORD NO!" and a younger male with a green hoodie stood there, looking at the other red male with large, brown eyes. The red male took his silver eyes off me for a second to look at him in surprise, and I took my chance.

I lunged forward and bit onto the side of the metal contraption and yanked it from his hands and leaped up onto the stone slap set against the wall, then onto the white buzzing thing and onto the top of the brown things above near the roof. He was shouting a lot of profanities at me, while the green hooded figure just stared in shock at me.

I hissed as the red male attempted to climb up and I swung my tail at him, only creating a small scratch on his cheek. He quickly jumped back and glared at me, while the green hooded one spoke to him quietly so I couldn't hear.

After a moment though, the male, Tord, sighed and spoke in an odd voice, "Edd, you seriously thought it was safe to bring a monster, that you found in the middle of the woods, home?" The green one, Edd, shrugged. "Well he was hurt, and it would have been cruel to leave him there." I sniffed timidly at the air and leaped down onto the stone slab below me against the wall.

I released a chirp, a common sound us shadows can make in a state of agitation, and dropped the weapon onto the counter, my black saliva coating it. Tord looked disgusted by this.

"Tord, be grateful he gave it back." Tord just huffed and glared at me, I just grinned smugly and stuck my black, pointed tongue out at him.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Another male came in, he had spiky yet soft looking ginger hair, sky blue eyes, pale freckled skin, wore a purple hoodie, green overcoat and blue jeans. He saw me then waved and smiled.

"Hi! My name's Matt, what's yours?" I was a little taken aback by the tall humans friendly approach. "Uh...Tomaronas." I said slowly. Tord then moved his hand over his mouth, trying to hold in laughter, but failing as he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Tord!" Edd exclaimed loudly I glared at Tord and hissed, then leaped at him. I didn't knock him over, as I only weighed like five pounds, but that's normal for my kind, but I was able to cling to his back and held onto his hair, which was surprisingly soft.

I had a little problem with cuddling soft stuff, so I basically cuddled into his hair, purring. "Awww~. He likes you." Matt cooed. Tord just tried to yank me off, but I clung onto the taller male and wrapped my tail around his chest.

My stomach then growled though and I leaped back to the Main stone slab and snatched up what remained of the meat and jumped onto Edd's back, stuffing it all in my cheeks till they were full and swallowed.

Tord smoothed out his hoodie and glared at me. "Edd, he can not stay." I hissed at him.

"Why, he hasn't done anything." Edd said, trying to defend me.

"Do you even know what he is?!" He shouted. Edd fell silent at that. I really didn't want to be kicked out, I didn't even know where I was.

"I'm a Shadow, ass hole." I growled and got down off Edd.

I stood on the ground on my own two paws. I wasn't happy to notice that they were all taller than I thought, Matt was the tallest, then Tord, then Edd. I only came up to Tords chest, Edd's chin and Matt was only a little taller than Tord, so I reached his chest too.

The human Tord must have noticed my size. "Dang your small." I growled in response and crossed my arms. "Well maybe we can let him stay, he does seem nice." The boy Matt said. Tord glared at them and grumbled to himself and walked away.

"Don't mind him. So your name is...Tomaronas?" Said Edd, to which I nodded my head in response. "Uh, is it okay if we call you something else, I don't think Matt would remember that." Edd whispered.

I wasn't sure what to say, only Mala ever named us, it might be okay though. "O-okay." He smiled as he thought for a moment. "I know! Can we call you Tom?"

It actually seemed like a nice name, so I just nodded. He smiled down at me and asked, "Sorry for hitting you with my car by the way." So that was him. "It's okay, just make sure to control your...'car'." He smiled. "Come on, we have a guest bedroom you can stay in."

I followed him upstairs. There were five doors up here, one with what looked like a red can wreath on it, another with a purple rimmed mirror, and another with a red symbol painted in red on the front. I knew whose room was who according to smell.

Edd scent was sugary sweet, of something I don't know of, with a hint of cherry. It led to the door with the can wreath.

The door with the mirror had a smell of vanilla and cinnamon, which belonged to Matt.

The other door with the red symbol had the scent of gunpowder from it, along with another scent which wasn't on Tord that I didn't recognize that made me feel funny.

I just shrugged that off.

The room at the end of the hall had a moist scent and their smells mingled in there, so I wasn't sure about that one.

The door by Tords room had a faint lavender scent, but not by a person, more like it was cleaned.

Edd led me to that door and opened it to show a room with white walls and a pale blue bed with white sheets. An oak dresser and desk were also in here, but that was it.

"Sorry if it's a little empty, you can decorate it if you want." I thanked him and yawned. He grinned. "You're still tired?" I nodded and

As I laid on the soft bed, Edd said "Just call me if you need anything Tom."

With that he shut the door, and I fell back asleep, my last thought being, I may be happy here.

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