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I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. My head was pounding hard, and my body burned all over. "What in God's name happened?" I mumbled and slowly sat up, careful not to increase my headache.

I slowly looked around, and saw that I was in a strange place. Tall brown things with small fiery colored things towered above me, and the ground was soft with the strange things apl over the ground, though some were brown and decayed.

Above me was a jet black sky with a round disk above me, showering silver light throughout.

I then realized something horrifying. I was in the human world.

My skin paled and I wearily looked around, then winced as pain swept through my body, I looked down to see where the light being hit me with her sword and cringed at how deep it was, the black blood having dried up though and stopped the bleeding.

I stood up on my paw like legs and worriedly sniffed the air, detecting the light beings scent, but then my vision swam and I nearly fell over from blood loss. I growled loudly and trudged forward, following the scent when another caught my senses.

White Blood.

I moved faster until I came to a clearing, the light being in the middle, nursing a broken wing with a bone sticking out. I growled loudly, gaining her attention.

When she saw me her eyes widened with rage. "Damn BEAST! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" She cried out and lunged forward, sword in hand, her white eyes burning into my own. I leaped to the side, taking note she was taller.

I swiped my tail, the blue diamond shaped barb slicing her leg. She hissed in pain, then swung her sword. I raised my wings in front of me and caught it, the wings stronger and, with a single twist, snapped the blade like a twig. "You're the beast for trying to kill my Queen, and a coward for trying to do it without her knowing!"

She glared at me and pulled out two knives to fight me. I leaped back to put some distance, and a spear pierced the ground where I was! I looked up and my blood froze. There were three more light beings up above.

I let out a frightened squeak and ran, knowing I couldn't fight four at once. An arrow then whizzed past my face, cutting my cheek a little. I went to jump over a fallen tree when I shrieked in pain and collapsed onto the other side, an arrow, embedded in my upper leg and another in my shoulder blade.

I whimpered and hid by the log and merged with the shadow it cast, fading from sight. I saw one light being fly by, a bow with two arrows pulled back and ready to fire. I held my breath and prayed that he couldn't see me. He huffed and lowered it. "He's gone." I could hear the assassin swear loudly.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, more or less some animal will kill him with his wounds." He stepped off the log on the other side and the voices grew fainter until it was dead quite.

I stayed there a moment, not wanting to move in fear of one coming out of nowhere and killing me. After around thirty minutes though, I gained the courage to move from hiding and looked around the dark landscape. All the fire colored things on the brown towers then shook as a cold wind blasted through the air, chilling me to the bone.

I then decided to start moving somewhere else, at least a place that was warm. I sniffed timidly at the air, relieved that the light creatures scents were faded. I got on all fours to help conserve strength and made my way through the vegetation.

I then heard low rumbling sounds from not too far away and followed it, my growling stomach reminding me I was hungry. I went slow so as to not draw attention from whatever creature was out there. I had to be careful, as though my wounds stopped leaking my black blood, I was still weak.

A light then went by a little ahead of me and I froze. I stayed that way for a moment, then relaxed and crept forward on my hands and knees. I came to a break in the treeline and saw a strange black stone path. A material I didn't recognize. I timidly snuck out onto the path and sniffed at the air.

Suddenly, a green creature with glowing yellow eyes and black paws came around the bend and came dead at me. I was only able to let out a shrill cry before I felt a sharp pain and blacked out as it hit me.

(Edd's P.O.V.)

I was driving down the road in the middle of the night, I sighed as I remember how my night went. I pushed my brown hair back and couldn't wait to get home. I worked at a cafe, and let's just say a Saturday evening was very busy for where I worked.

I made a turn and looked up in time to see something in the middle of the road, and watched as it was sent flying. I screamed as I slammed hard on the breaks. I sat there a moment in shock, then hopped out.

"OMG, OMG, OMG..." I kept repeating loudly. My car light illuminated the still form, showing its human like form. Did I hit a person!? I panicked. I then rolled him over and was shocked by what I saw.

He wasn't human. His jet black arms curled slightly, with sharp claws, while his legs were also black and paw like, and the rest of his skin was a very pale color tinged blue. His hair was a light brown that stuck up on end, but I could still see a set of sharp blue horns and his black fluffy ears. He had a long black tail with a blue diamond barb on the end that lie slack by him, along with a strange pair of wings. A black liquid dripped from his mouth with long, sharp canines. I have never seen anything like him before.

He looked around my age too, maybe a little younger, like 19 years old instead of my 20. I carefully leaned forward and listened for his heart beat.




I sighed in relief as he still had a strong heartbeat. I then noticed that there were broken arrow shafts, one in his thigh, another in the shoulder blade, he also had a nasty cut in his side that leaked black blood, and he was covered in scratches.

I looked around in alarm, some one must have tried to kill him. I knew I couldn't leave him here, he would either be found and killed by his hunters or animals, bleed out, or even freeze to death. I carefully picked him up, but was surprised by how light he was. I wasn't strong, so he must have weighed very little, like five pounds.

I carried him to my car and sat him in the front seat, strapping him in. I got in the front driver seat and began to drive back home carefully.


When I got there, I carefully carried him inside and set him on the couch. My grey cat Ringo meowed loudly and hopped up next to him and pawed his cheek. "Come here Ringo." I said as I pushed her aside and went to get bandages.

I started first with the wound in his side. Thankfully the wound didn't damage any organs. His black blood unnerved me a bit though, but I just brushed it aside as I tore his shirt off, careful of the arrows and grabbed one shaft.

I took a deep breath, then pulled it free. The guy whimpered slightly, still asleep. I quickly treated that wound and moved to the one in his thigh. Thank goodness I didn't have to remove his pants as it struck just below the end of his shorts.

After I treated that wound, I sat back and sighed a little in relief. He still had black stuff leaking from his mouth, and I was worried he might have another injury, so I checked, but found none.

I was trying to figure out what else it could be, when I decided to open his mouth to check. He had really long and sharp canines. His mouth tissues, gums and tongue were all a black/blue.

I concluded that, after a moment, the black stuff in his mouth was saliva, as it was slightly more clear in color. I yawned and pulled a soft dark grey blanket over him, I also made sure the heat was up. I picked Ringo up and went upstairs to my own room to get some sleep.

I had two roommates, but they were probably asleep, so I'll just let them know in the morning. I just headed to bed.

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