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(Tom's P.O.V.)
It has been three weeks since I've moved in with the three humans, and I have learned quite a few things from them.

Edd, age 20, has that weird sugary smell from this stuff he drinks from a can called Cola. I honestly found it to sweet for my taste. He is also an artist who writes comics, and they seemed really cool!

Matt, age 23, is not the brightest I have noticed and does not understand much sarcasm. He is also a major Narssisist, with mirrors hanging up all over his room. I dont mind though and he can still be nice.

I have also noticed that they have feelings for each other, but are both to nervous to confess.

Tord, age 22, however I still wasn't to sure of. He was a communist, some sort of government group, and I have seen him reading these books, but he never lets me see them, wonder why. He also smells of gunpowder because he loves guns and has a lot of them apparently. He's still a complete asshole though and can be very mean to me and picks on me alot.

He also has not made me wear the dress, thank the Gods.

Edd's cat Ringo was also really cute and nice and I loved to snuggle up with her and play with her.

I also still had my Queens flask, which always refilled itself with the alcohol Smirnoff.

I would always try to find some way to help around the house, as I am a guest and should help out with stuff.

Today Edd asked if I could help him with the yard by raking up the leaves, to which I eagerly agreed. He showed me how to rake up the leaves and where to rake them to.

At one point we had a large pile going, and I couldn't help it as I leaped into the pile, curling into the leaves, my tail the only visable part of me now.

"Oh my gosh how are you so cute?" I only huffed in response and crawled out of the pile, blushing a deep blue color and helped him put the stuff into bags.

We were about half way done when I heard a door open and close. I turned my head to see three men from the house next store walking over to the fence. "Hey Loser! Whose your buddy here?" Edd immidiatly tensed up and let out a sigh as he sat up.

The male who spoke was about the height of Matt, with dark brown hair, tanned skin, and a faint mustache. He wore a white shirt with a green jacket over it and blue jeans.

I held back a growl at what he said, instead I just glared at him. "My name is Tom." I said simply, my voice laced with anger.

How dare he insult Edd!?

He must have not noticed, or didn't care as he spoke again.

"You know you should really get some normal friends, but who else would hang out with a little loser like you?" I looked down at Edd and was startled to see how angry he looked.

"Go away Edwardo, I'm not going to deal with you today." Edd growled. The man, Edwardo, just laughed in turn, along with the other two men with him. I could feel my blood boil and I growled loudly.

I couldn't help it then as I stormed over and looked at him. I wanted nothing more then to claw his face open and kill him, but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea, so I held back my anger.

"Who are you, and why are you being mean to Edd?" I growled. He just smirked down at me. "Eduardo, and that's none of your business pipsqueak."

Remember when I mentioned I didn't want to kill him? I said nothing against beating the living shit out of this asshole.

I lunged forward with a roar and punched him in the face. Blood poured from his nose as he fell back, and I would've done more had someone not grab me from behind and drag me back.

I struggled and hissed loudly, wanting that assholes blood on my hands and almost broke free when I felt a pressure on my neck and I blacked out.

(Tord's P.O.V.)
I was inside watching TV with Matt when I heard someone talking outside. I looked out side in time to see Tom walk up to Eduardo and his poses Mark and Jon.

I walked outside, pistol in my hoodie like always. Just as I stepped out though, Tom let out a blood chilling roar and lunged at Eduardo, punching him dead in the nose and he fell back.

I sprinted over as Tom tried to go over the fence, probably to beat him up more. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him backwards. He thrashed about, trying to get loose, and he was fucking strong!

I quickly struck him in the neck where a nerve was. His whole body then went tence, then slack as he went unconsiouse. I sighed as I adjusted him so I carried him bridal style. "Hey, your better be damn grateful that I stopped him." I called out as I walked inside, Edd close behind.

While Edd stayed downstairs to explain to Matt what happened, I took Tom upstairs to his room. I turned to go when I saw something. I looked over to where his shirt and hoodie rose a bit, and showed that something was on his side, half of which his pants covered it though. I knew it was an invasion of...multible rights, but I was curious so I pulled them down slightly, but not enough to see more then he would want me to see.

It appeared to be an eye that was identical to Tom's eye, with a blue circle going around it, and written below it was 'Tomaranus" Tom's real name, and above it a number, "667"

I just shrugged it off and left him to wake up on his own.

(Tom's P.O.V.)

I just lie there for awhile, before I stood up and fixed my pants. Removed the hoodie I wore alot, letting my wings spread out and my tail flickered behind me.

I walked downstairs and didnt see Matt or Edd, just Tord reading his weird books he never let me look at. I noticed another of his books on the coffee table, and I was so curious!

So I lunged forward and grabbed it, then ran to the kitchen. "HEY!" I heard Tord yell as he chased me. Thinking quick, I leaped up ontop of the fridge, then the cabinets where he would have a hard time grabbing me.

"Tom Dont Look At That!" Tord yelled, though I could have sworn I saw a smirk cross his face.

I just stuck my tongue out at him and opened it, only to see two dimensional humans....fucking!?

I blushed a dark blue and chuck it right at Tord. "WHY ARE YOU READING THIS!?!?" I shrieked in disgust.

He just laughed at me and said he liked it. How does anyone like to read that!?

I should have payed better attention to him, because the next thing I know he jumped up and grabbed me, pulling me off the shelf and held onto me

I screamed and yelled, "BUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE!"

"Nah.~" He said simply and walked to the living room, not letting me down.

However, we bith froze when there was a brief flash of light and we look at the foyer, where Edd was hilding a camera and smiling at the two.


Me and Tord never got that camera

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