Chapter 14 - Do You Love Her?

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When Marian decided to return to the castle, she thought she would have to find an excuse for leaving without warning, but apparently no one had noticed her absence.
With all those guests, the castle was bustling with activity and anyone who might have looked for her had probably taken for granted that she was engaged in some entertainment or in the company of the other girls.
She left the horse to a groom and went into the courtyard of the castle, crowded with people for the archery tournament.
A few years earlier, Guy had invited her to attend a similar event with him, in a first, clumsy attempt to court her. She remembered his shy tone when he had told her that the shape of the apple's peel represented the initial of the person she was going to marry. She, a little maliciously, had made sure to break the peel before it could take the form of Guy's initial. Marian still remembered Guy's disappointed look at that moment, and she found herself smiling for her own little, silly secret.
She had never told Guy about it, but in recent times, every time she peeled an apple, she was careful to make a 'g' before breaking the peel.
She thought of Isabella with a heavy heart, and she wondered if their marriage was really going to happen or if he would choose the other woman. In this case, Marian believed she would never be able to eat an apple again in her life.
She crossed the yard looking for Guy. Archer was right: she had to talk to him, ask him an explanation and clarify things. She was terrified of losing him, but in the end doubt would kill her.
She sighed irritably: she couldn't see Guy anywhere. She was a little heartened to see that instead Isabella was present, sitting to attend the tournament next to her husband.
Marian entered the castle, determined to find Gisborne.

Guy made sure he had his face perfectly covered with the hood of the cloak, the mask and a scarf before approaching the sheriff's office. There were no guards, but the door was locked. Guy went into the next room and leaned out the window to see if it was possible to go from one window to another, but the distance was too much and there were no points of support or protrusions to cling to.
He would have to pick the lock, he decided, taking one of the daggers he always wore, hidden on himself. He hoped the blade was thin enough and that he had learned well everything that Will had taught him about doors and locks.
Guy checked that the corridor was deserted and knelt by the door, starting to use the blade. Shortly after, his work was rewarded by the click of the lock that opened.
The first thing he noticed when he entered Vaisey's office was that the sheriff had gotten new birds after he had set free the previous ones, but this time Guy didn't waste time releasing them.
He went to the sheriff's desk to examine the documents scattered on the table, but none of them hinted at the reason for that meeting of little nobles. He approached the wall next to the bed: there was a secret compartment hidden behind a painting, and Guy knew that the sheriff kept the most important documents there.
Guy removed the picture and opened the hiding place, but he was disappointed to find it empty.
He was about to put everything back and go away, when he heard footsteps approaching along the corridor.
Guy recognized the sheriff's gait and mentally cursed: Vaisey should have been at the tournament, what was he doing here? He tried to assess if he would have time to escape, but the steps were already too close and the sheriff wasn't alone, he would risk being captured.
He hid quickly behind a curtain and stood still. A moment later Vaisey entered the room, accompanied by Thornton and Guy wondered what the sheriff might want from his sister's husband.
He listened, hoping to hear their conversation, but Vaisey stopped suddenly.
"There's somebody here," he said, pulling out a dagger and looking around. Thornton imitated him, drawing his sword.
Gisborne held his breath, listening to the steps of the two men who were wandering about the room. He heard that the sheriff had stopped right in front of the curtain and Guy wondered how he could make out that he was hidden right there. Then Vaisey jerked forward, planting the dagger into the fabric and missing him by just a few inches, and Gisborne reacted a moment later, tugging at the curtain and pulling it down over the sheriff, then he pushed him to the floor and ran to the door.
Thornton tried to stop him, but Guy kicked his sword out of his hand and knocked him out by hitting him on the head with the metal jug the sheriff kept on the table. The Nightwatchman ran away, leaving behind the cries of the two men who were calling the guards.

From Ashes, Through the Fire (English) (From Ashes Vol.3)Where stories live. Discover now