Chapter 22 - Now He Knew

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The wound burned, sending pangs of pain along the leg with each step of the horse, but Guy gritted his teeth and urged the animal to continue.
He had to hurry up and to get far enough from Adeline's house before the others noticed his escape.
He could not allow them to reach him and force him to go back to bed: he had to go to Isabella and save her from the monster to whom he had sold her to.
If he could survive that business, Guy thought, he would have to apologize to Allan. After practically having forced him to tell what had happened to Isabella, Guy had left him bound and gagged on the bed in his place, deeply asleep after making him drink the medicine destined to alleviate the pain of his wound.
At that moment he wouldn't have minded having taken at least a little of it, but he could not afford to have a hazy mind, he had to save his sister at all costs.
He pushed the horse away from the road, stepping into the trees and trying not to lose his way. He didn't know the area well, but he knew that Marian and Allan would look for him and he wasn't willing to go back before he did whatever it was needed to free his sister from Thornton.
An arrow passed close to him and it got lost in the bushes. Guy hurried to take the bow to defend himself, then he realized who had thrown it.
He searched for him with his gaze and soon Robin jumped down from the branch of the tree where he had been lurking.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to arrive," the outlaw said.
"What are you doing here?" Guy asked, without getting off his horse.
"I'm watching Adeline's house. It was Archer who told me where you were."
"Good boy. Keep doing it then."
Guy started to move the horse forward, but Robin grabbed the reins to stop him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Gisborne stared at him, defiantly.
"To take back my sister."
Robin raised an eyebrow.
"In these conditions? It's already incredible that you can stay in the saddle."
"It will not be an insignificant wound to stop me. And certainly not you."
Robin stared at him, skeptical.
"Oh yes? Go ahead then," he said, reaching out to give him a friendly pat on the leg. Guy paled and he leaned forward on the saddle, unable to hold back a moan of pain.
Robin looked at him for a few seconds, then he shook his head.
"An insignificant wound, uh? Now do you want to go back to Adeline's house out of your own free will or do I have to drag you back tied up?"
Gisborne gave him a furious look.
"I have to go to Isabella."
"What would be the use of it? What do you think you're doing if you're still so weak?"
Guy got off his horse, taking care not to rest his weight on the injured leg and he grabbed Robin Hood by the shoulders, slamming his back against a tree.
"You don't understand, Hood!" Guy growled.
Robin could easily resist that attack, Gisborne barely had the strength to stand up and a little push would have been enough to make him waver, but he didn't.
He looked at Guy.
"Explain it to me, then," he said, quietly.
"I can't leave her in the hands of that man! He did horrible things to her and he keeps making her suffer. She was just a child, Hood, and I sold her to a demon! It's all my fault and now I have to save her!"
Gisborne had started shaking as he spoke and Robin realized that he was really upset. He put a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him.
"Do you really think that going alone and injured to attack a manor and snatch a woman from her legitimate husband is the best option? If you want to get hanged, maybe."
"I won't take her away from her husband, I'll kill that swine!"
"No you won't."
"It's the only way. If Thornton dies, she will be free."
"And you will dangle from the gallows. No. We will find another way that doesn't imply your execution."
"What if there isn't another way?"
"In that case I will help you and we will probably end up hanging on a rope side by side. But killing Thornton will have to be the last resort and we will do it only if there are no other solutions. And in any case, before doing anything, you will have to completely recover from that wound."
Guy choked a sob.
"How can I leave her in the hands of that monster? How? Now that I know what he did to her, how can I bear to sit still and rest while he abuses my sister? Isabella doesn't know that I'm going to save her, I can't let her believe that I have abandoned her again!"
Robin squeezed his shoulder to stop his outburst and Guy looked at him.
"I'll go there." Robin said.
"Return to Adeline's house and rest, eat, get infusions and remedies and do everything necessary to heal and regain your strength. Meanwhile, I will go to the place where your sister lives and I will study the situation. I will try to find out if there is a way to save her and I will give her your message, I will tell her not to lose hope because we will return to free her. And we will do it as soon as you are well. You and I. Together. Can it be an acceptable compromise?"
"Would you really do this for me?"
"For you, for Isabella, for Marian and for all those who in some way care about your tough head, including me. Now go back on your horse and go back home before they think you are dead. Trust me and wait for my return, I know it won't be easy, but it's necessary."
Gisborne nodded.
"I will do it. And if you help me to save her, I will be grateful to you forever."
Robin grinned.
"Add it to the list of your debts to me."

From Ashes, Through the Fire (English) (From Ashes Vol.3)Where stories live. Discover now