Chapter 4💫

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Wow, time goes on very fast. It's already my date with Anwaar today and a week since my brothers and best friends are hitched.

And today, Anwaar's taking me on a date in the next one hour and I'm here on my bed looking at the ceiling. Yeah, stupid, I know but I'm thinking about what to wear by looking at the ceiling just for a genie to release an idea to my head but n9thimg is coming as I expected. Ugh, what's wrong with me today. I've been nervous for I don't know what.

"Didi, you're supposed to start your makeup already but you're already in La La land," Mehr said bringing me out of my reverie. I needed that if not I'll just spend my whole time while looking at the white ceiling till Anwaar's call came.

"I know, I'm just thinking and besides I don't know what to wear!" I mumbled, frowning. You might think I'm insane or a bipolar, but I'm very much okay just anxious if you want to know.

"Come let me help you," she said walking into our closet while I start my simple make-up using some foundation, highlight, mascara, eyeliner. From what you could see, I'm not really a big fan of makeup and pokings so this is enough. I also don't have the longest hair to take me forever to dry, it's just shoulder length dark natural hair but it's long if I stretch but then again, I'm very lazy to do that.

I'm waiting for Mehr to bring whatever she's looking for that's taking her forever before I apply my lipstick to match with the cloth. I like doing that to-match really, it's just kind of unique and it adds boldness.

After what seems like forever, she finally came out holding a black Jallabiya, red veil, matching shoe and bag, even changing my phone case to red. Ha!That's Mehr for you, sometimes its annoying, I have to change my shoes cos its so reddish.

"Oh my Allah! Didi kinga yanda kikayi kyau?(did you see how beautiful you look)?" she asked buoyantly.

"I know right...I have to get going." I said as I start making my way to door.

"No. Let's take some pictures." she said carrying her phone from her bed.

"What's the time?" I ask cause I'm too lazy to open my bag and check my phone.


"I have to go Mehr," I whined, I hate lateness.

"Nah. You have 10 more minutes." she argued.

"Be fast then."

"Iyyeh she can't wait to see her love of her life." she said and I rupture out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? What's funny?" she asked mystified.

"Who told you that I love him?" I said when I sobered.

"Wallah you love him Didi, you just don't want to accept it." she said as she we pose for the picture.

"Good luck," Mehr said when we finish our mad poses.

"Thanks." I muttered as I sauntered out of the room and down the stairs.

"I'm going Maa," I said kissing Maa's cheek.

"Be safe, sweetheart. He's waiting for you dummy." she said kissing both my cheeks and I smile walking to the front door.

As I open the door, my breath hitched when I saw him leaning against his car, waiting patiently while typing away on his phone.

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