Chapter 3💫

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"Hey!" Dinar greeted from the other line of the phone as soon as I answer her phone call. Lemme tell you, she's definitely bored. Don't ask I just know, that's the only reason I can come up with right now. Let's see..

"What's up babe?" I cheerfully ask my best friend. What, I'm also bored hence I'll try my best to make her come over. Yeah, there's no one at home at the moment, so she should not panic about seeing her soon to be husband which would be awkward.

Seeing your soon to be husband in his house with your mother in law will be so awkward, don't you think? Ha! I can't do that, that's if I'll even be able to look at him talkless of his mother.

"Nothing much, I'm just bored." she whined through the phone. See, I'm always right when it come to my best friends. Okay, not always but most of the time, I do. We were friends since diapers, not diapers, but not long before we stopped using it.

"Come over, I'm bored too." I happily verballed standing up from the carpeted floor where I was sitting, trying to select a movie to watch and my bowl of popcorn with so much milk inside and a can of soda at the side.

"Is my Habiby at home?" Dinar shyly asked. I know she wants to see him but it's like a bad omen or something I don't know about their culture, so she can't see him and not even in his own house.

"Aww she's already missing my brother, but its a bad omen to see your husband few days to your wedding. Have patience love, seven more days." I teased with a huge grin that almost makes my mouth to part into two.

"Whatever! I'll go get the girls," she stated squealing. I already know my destination when they're here, they'll finish my popcorn and everything, lemme even start eating my stuffs. "Wait, you're alone right?" she suddenly asked.

"Yep, see you later." I ended the call immediately, I can't wait to start eating my pop corn, I make the best pop corn in the whole universe.

As soon as I dropped the phone on the couch, just a few minutes after started munching on my pop corn amd soda, an unknown number flashed on my phone -calling- so I hesitantly picked. What? I don't pick random numbers, that's just not like me but something about this just feel different.

"Hello?" I stated hesitantly, cos who knows maybe this person is a drug dealer, mafia leader, serial killer, zombie or something. Ugh, I'm watching way too much NCIS these days.

Drug dealer? Seriously Kydah? My subconcious yet again mock me around.

"Hi Kydah, it's Anwaar." Gosh! His voice is to die for aswear, I mentally gushed, its so sweet and velvety. I'm not doing anything near exaggeration, trust me. I almost swoon.

"Oh, ina yini, Ya Anwaar (Good afternoon Ya Anwaar)." I greeted respectfully. What, I don't have any problem calling my brothers' friends Yaya. Maa said that's the most respectful way of addressing someone older than you thus, this.

"Lafiya kalau, alhamdulillah. How you doing?" he asked, blandly. Aww, he's such a wonderful person. I like him already. Ooops, he could be someone's husband, boyfriend or fiancee. I have to stop my reveries. Am I exaggerating if I say I felt an unpleasant tug in my chest?

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah." I replied with the most innocent voice I could ever muster. Yep, I don't want him to think that I have a bad voice.

Yeah, whatever!

We talked for about thirty minutes, asking questions randomly about school and stuffs before I heard thuds coming from the stairs so I said "I gotta go, they're here." I've already told him that my friends are coming over already.

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