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Everything was going wrong. Peter didn't even like parties so why was he there? Two reasons: Ned and Liz Allen. Ned desperately wanted to go to the party to try to improve their social standing, and Peter really wanted to impress Liz. He planned to get in there, so his Spidey thing and then get the hell out.

Or, that would've been his plan if there wasn't a giant explosion across down that's forcing him to watch a shady deal from the side of an overpass. Illegal weapons, much like the ones from the bank robbery, were being sold directly under his nose. He was just about to intervene when his voice started yodeling at an ungodly volume. Peter fumbled with the phone, he could've swore he turned off his ringer, as the weapons dealer pulls out a gun.

"Hey!" Peter yelled, jumping down from the overpass. "If you're gonna shoot at someone shoot at me!"

He expected the criminal to contemplate a little bit longer, but immediately the gun was turned to him. Peter sprinted toward the armed man when a huge blast of energy knocked him into the side of the concrete next to him. Well that fucking hurts. When his eyes finally opened after much of the pain subsided, the criminals were hightailing it out of there.

With a flick of his wrist, a web connected him and the van, pulling him along messily. This obviously wasn't the driver's first rodeo as he continuously weaved back and forth trying to throw Peter off. Eventually the guy in the back of the van sent a blast of energy at the doors, knocking Peter into the street and throwing the weapon into a yard beside them.

Nothing could be easy for Peter, can they? Huffing slightly, he started sprinting and swinging across backyards and houses. Oh my god. Peter thought excitedly. A dog!
"Hey buddy!" He grabbed a tennis ball quickly. "I cant play right now, go fetch!"

Then he was off. Flying over roofs and disturbing a few parties in the process. Finally, he had the van right in his sight. He could jump and reach it so easily. With a grunt he kept from the roof of the house and started to descend above the van. Then he got snatched up. A giant metal bird thing with glowing green eyes flew Peter up in the sky before his parachute opened and brought him back down. Straight into a lake.

"Can't I get a break?"


Margot's first day at the Stark Internship was going surprisingly well, she and Stark got along well and the work was very interesting. Mr. Stark and her had been working tirelessly on their perspective projects while chiming in every once in a while to help each other out. The older man channeled all his efforts into fixing his suit and starting on a new bleeding edge suit. Margot was told to see what improvements she could make on the braces that allow Tony's friend to walk.

"What if the electrical transmitters were all up and down the leg instead of just in trouble spots?" Margot asked, leaning up against a table in the workshop.

Tony smiled slightly. "Who would've thought you'd be good for something other than messing with me?"

"Har. Har."

Their banter was interrupted by FRIDAY coming over the intercom and announcing in a frantic voice (as frantic as robotic voices can get), "Boss. There is an emergency regarding Mr. Parker."

"What's wrong?" Mr. Stark questioned, worry heavy in his voice as he started to get into the suit.

"He appears to be losing oxygen. And his parachute was deployed approximately 2 minutes ago." FRIDAY responded while pulling up a map with a blinking tracker in the middle of a lake.

voiceover // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now