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The 'bad guy tracker' illuminated Peter's room with a captivating red gleam and he made a note to come up with a new name for the gadget. The bad dude had been on the move for a quite a while and Peter was honestly starting to lose interest. He wasn't getting anywhere with Liz and Mr. Stark was moving soon so he had to focus on impressing both of them while also not getting murdered by a psycho vulture guy.

Save to say, he's kind of stressed out. Ned was alleviating some of his anxiety by spending time goofing off with him and the spidey suit. Peter thought that becoming a super hero (and basically an avenger) would make his life a tad more excited but nope, just busier. So busy, in fact, that he had to quit all his extracurricular activities. It really takes a toll on his college applications but "Crime Fighting Spider Guy Working Under Tony Stark" seems like it'd stand out more than "member of academic decathlon" so he can deal with it.

"It stopped!" Ned shouted from his spot under Peter's bed.

He poked his head down and dropped to the floor from where he was perched on the ceiling. "Where'd he stop at?"

"Maryland. What the hell is in Maryland?" Ned questioned angrily. He was hoping for something more climatic.

Peter chuckled at Ned's eagerness toward his powers before thinking a bit. With a thoughtful 'Hm' and a well placed hand on his chin, Peter spoke the coolest words he has ever said. "Their evil lair. Probably.

"They have an evil lair?"

"A gang with alien guns, run by a crazed douchebag with wings?" He gave Ned a look that made the other boy squirm awkwardly. "Yeah they have a lair."

Ned nodded impressed. "Badass, how are you gonna get there? It's like in bum fuck Egypt. Not really, but you know what I mean."

"Wait." Peter said, a metaphorical lightbulb popping up above his curled hair. "The Academic Decathlon is in D.C. right?"

Not really knowing where Peter was going with this, Ned nodded skeptically. Then a mischievous smile made it's way across Peter's face until the shit eating grin took up the entirety of his head.

"That's not too far from Maryland."


"Please, Marg!" Beatrix begged her best friend in the middle of the parking lot. "The team would do so much better if you were there to watch us! Besides, some of the boys there are super cute."

That made Margot laugh. "Ha. Yeah right Bea. Sorry, but I don't think any of those boys are my type." She was more into the boys that scared her dad and rode motorcycles into explosions and such.

"They love all that tech garbage you go on and on about!"

"It's not garbage!" She defended while slapping Beatrix lightly on the arm. "Besides I couldn't go anyways I have the Stark In-"

"Yeah yeah. The Stark Internship, we know." That earned her another swat on the arm.

If Margot was being honest, she didn't even have the internship this weekend. Mr. Stark was out of town on business dealing with the mess that is the Sokovia Accords and the Ex- Avengers being on the run. Plus her dad was going on a 'guys trip' so she had the house all to herself this weekend.

voiceover // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now