14. Returning

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(Your POV)

There are some good books in here... Should I read this? Or maybe that?

"I still have a chance..."

I shook my head, trying to get rid of that. It meant nothing. He was probably just trying to talk about some special opportunity he had, nothing to do with me.

But then why did he look at me that way?

Ugh, it's nothing! Stop overthinking it, Y/N!

Is that why he kept teasing me all the time? Perhaps he wanted attention... Something which I didn't give him. But...

I turned around and leaned against the shelves, groaning in frustration. Now I have another problem to deal with, if it's what I think it might be.

I'm just hoping it isn't.


Oh my god! And it's him.

Jungkook stood a few metres away, looking at me with that dangerous glint in his eyes. He cocked his head to one side, surveying me with interest.

"What is it?"

"Namjoon hyung says we have to go shopping for new clothes."

Good. At least I don't have to wear Jimin's or Suga's shirts anymore.

Even if they are slightly smaller than the others... It's still too big for me.

And I can't really say I like wearing Jungkook's white shirts either.

"O-Okay, thanks for telling me." Just when I wanted to avoid him, he decides to pop out.

Hiding my blushing face, I scurried out of the room, not even giving Jungkook a glance.

(Jungkook's POV)

I smirked to myself. "Was she thinking of me?"

Checking the time on my watch, I whistled, heading after her.

"I hope she's embarrassed. She should be."

(Your POV)

"Jimin!" I knocked on his door. "Are you in there?'

"No!" He yelled back.

Stupid kid. "I'm coming in!"

"Hey, I didn't give you permission to!" He frowned. "What do you need?"

"Jungkook said we're going out to get me some new clothes. That's great!"

"Why? What's wrong with mine?"

"It's too ugly." I lied. His sense of fashion is way better than me, but let's see whether he gets angry.

"Whatever." He shrugged. "I've actually been letting you wear my ugliest shirts."

"You!--" He smirked.

I'm so done with him!

He threw a hoodie at me. "Go change, I'll meet you downstairs."

Complaining silently, I took the hoodie at went to my bathroom to change.


"Jimin, did you purposely find the biggest shirt you have?" I stared down at myself. "This is definitely not your size."

He scrutinised me carefully. "Whoops, I may have given you Jin's. We had both bought the same shirts on one of our Bon Voyage trips. Guess we took the wrong shirts out of the washer."

Horrified, I looked at Jin, who shrugged. "But I look stupid!"

"You are if you say you do." Suga rolled his eyes. "Hurry up, are you coming in or not? We're gonna drive off without all of you."

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