22. Airplane Pt. 2

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(Your POV)

Someone gently awakened you. You opened your eyes, realising it was the same flight attendant from before.

"Something again?" I rubbed my eyes, looking at the tray in her hand.

"Yes, it's meal time now. As you probably already know... They demanded for this to be sent to you."

The food looks so luxurious. You aren't used to it yet and you'd rather eat ramyeon than this.

"Can I have ramyeon instead?" You wrinkled my nose slightly in annoyance with the boys, but smiled at her. "Ignore them."

It seems like she was in a conundrum. Finally, she agreed to my request.

A few minutes later, you were enjoying a cup of ramyeon.

Sheesh... These boys are really annoying.

You looked around, wondering where the flight attendant went to. You hoped that she didn't die.

(3rd Person's POV)

"For the last time..." Taehyung was boiling with anger. "Why is she so stubborn?"

"Just leave her be, Tae..." Namjoon locked the door after the attendant left.

"Who are you calling hyung?" J-Hope asked Jin, who was on the phone.

"Wait a moment Hobi-- Yes, you must come. No! I-- Shut up guys!-- Please, he's not happy at all... You wouldn't want to make him angry, do you? Yes, yes, come now. As in NOW."

Jin ended the call, looking at Tae. "Calm down, she's coming..."

He huffed, sitting down beside Jimin. "She'd better!"


(Your POV)

When you entered the room, you were greeted by the sight of seven annoyed faces.

"What did I do wrong?" You asked.

"Why did you keep rejecting our gifts?" Taehyung growled.

"Gifts?" You laughed sarcastically, then glared at him. "Are you crazy? Why do you keep sending me stuff?"

"We just wanted to make sure that you were okay." Namjoon said carefully.

"I'm more than fine. I'm flying first, not economy class. Nothing would happen to me." You said, turning around to leave.

Someone put a hand on the door handle.


"Why didn't you tell us that you were sitting in front of some sasaengs?"

You gulped. "Y-You realised?" Your voice was barely a squeak.

"Y/N, you know how dangerous they are." Hoseok said worriedly. "What if something happened to you?"

"Nothing would happen to me unless it was obvious, like someone trying to send me stuff." I sighed. "Did you guys really not consider that, despite knowing about the 'danger' I was in?"

They fell silent.

"I'm going back." You looked at Yoongi, who simply stared back. "What are you doing?"

"Not letting you go back. You're staying with us until the last hour."

What? You looked at your phone. 5 more hours!

"You must be kidding me." You said, staring at all of their smirking faces.

You certainly do not like where this is going.


(3rd Person's POV)

Jimin snapped a photo of you sleeping on top of Hoseok, giggling softly to himself.

"Kook, what are you doing?" He whispered to Jungkook who was struggling with the camera.

"Filming something to post on VLive, what else?" He switched on the camera, checking himself with it.

Jimin stuttered. "B-But... Y/N's in the background? Why would you do that?"

"Sheesh, I'll make sure that I don't accidentally fim her. Relax hyung, as long as I'm the one filming and not you." Jungkook smirked.

"Right. You're the best, aren't you?..." Jimin narrowed his eyes, joining Jungkook at the opposite end of the cabin from where you were currently sleeping with Hoseok.

"Hello ARMY!" They said unanimously. "We're flying to US now... It's only afternoon back in Korea but some people are sleeping!" Jungkook grinned, nudging Jimin who nodded.

They tilted the camera in Tae's direction. "Look at how wide his mouth is!" Jimin reached over for a napkin and rolled it into a ball, before stuffing it into his mouth. Tae groaned, sitting up and removing the napkin.

"Do you want to die?" He growled, tackling Jimin.

"Be quiet! You'll wake Yoongi up!" Jungkook pulled the two of them apart, before looking back a the camera. Tae threw the pillow at Jimin before resettling himself and going back to his slumber. "Let's look at Jin hyung..." Jungkook zoomed the camera in on their hyung's face.

"How does one look so good while sleeping?" Jimin whispered. "I'm jealous, are you jealous?"

Then the pair directed the camera at Namjoon who was sleeping peacefully beside Jin. Or so they thought. 

"Boo!" His eyes flew open and he jumped at the clueless boys. The camera shook for a few moments, before steadying at focusing back on a grinning Namjoon.

"Hyung!" They whined.

Sighing, they were about to go over to Yoongi before stopping themselves. Tilting the camera back at themselves, they smiled apologetically.

"Not Yoongi... He'll probably kill us." They smiled apologetically, before returning to their seats.

"We're tired... We'll see you in USA!" The two boys smiled and waved and Jimin turned off the camera.

"We should sleep." Jimin said and Jungkook agreed.

"We should."


(Your POV)

You were the first to wake up and you laughed softly to yourself at the sight of all the boys sleeping.

Who should you wake first? While you were contemplating, the flight attendant quietly opened the door. Giving her an apologetic smile for the boys' behaviour, you asked her what she needed.

"Breakfast is going to be served soon... Could you wake them up?"

"Sure." The attendant smiled gratefully at you before leaving to get the breakfast.

"Yoongi..." You whipped the blanket away from him. "Wake up."

He grumbles at you, but you held on to the blanket unrelentingly. He finally peeks at you with one eye open.

"Be thankful that you're you or else I would smack you." You raised an eyebrow at his remark.

He sleepily went to the bathroom to freshen up and you went to wake the others. By the time everyone was ready, breakfast had arrived.

"We will be landing in 2 hours time." The attendant informed you before leaving.

Great. Your nightmare is about to be over.

Having writer's block... :(

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