25. Who

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"What took you so long?" Eunsoo unnie asked you when you returned.

"Oh god, what happened? Why is there coffee spilt all over you?" She gasped in worry, grabbing one of the other makeup artists and told them to pass you a towel.

"Things happened." You grumbled, wincing at the pain that consumed your arm when you tried to wave it off.

"Stop moving!" Eunsoo unnie grabbed the towel from the other girl, then started dabbing at the stains on you.

"Y/N!" You saw Taehyung waddling over to you cutely, his arms outstretched, wanting a hug.

"Hey Tae, don't come near me. I'm dirty." His lips curved downwards and he pouted.

"Why are you dirty?" He said in disappointment, whining. "I want a hug~"

When he came closer to you, his eyebrows knitted firmly together.

"Y/N, what happened to your shirt? Did you spill coffee all over yourself?"

"No, it was just these two girls who saw that I was a fan of you guys, then they asked me who was my bias and I said I lived all of you equally, so they got mad and threw coffee at me! Oh my, you should've have seen how messed up their brains were. Like I mean how do you go from not deserving to go to the BTS concert to becoming a slut, like what--"

Taehyung suddenly grabbed your wrist, making you stop laughing. You were nearly frightened by the look in your eyes.

You were starting to fear for somebody's life.

"Who did this?" He growled, eyes blazing with anger. "I will find them and throw them off the building."

"Why not just stab them in the heart?" You joked, then he glared at you making you shut up. "Ok, not funny."

"I'm being serious here Y/N."

Help, you haven't seen his yandere side for a long time. And you definitely didn't want to see it now.

"Um well, okay. But I'm being serious too!" You argued. "Don't go and kill someone, ok."

"You expect me to just let this go? Someone hurt my girl!" He crushed the bag of potato chips in his hand.

"Don't kill the potatoes!" You wailed cutely, snatching the snack out of his hand. Taehyung looked shocked for a moment before he grudgingly smiled at your adorable action.

"Fine, I'm only letting those idiots go because you said so." He back-hugged you from behind. "Y/N is so nice~"

You giggled.

"Y/N? Hyung?" Jungkook walked over and his eyes darkened very slightly when he saw you with Taehyung.

"Yes?" Taehyung asked, hugging you tighter.

"I just wanted to tell you that the Golden Disk Awards is coming soon, like next year on 5 Jan to 6 Jan." Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "And it's your turn to go on stage now."

Taehyung sighed, peeling himself away from you. He nodded at the younger, before disappearing backstage.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." You shrugged, looking at your soiled shirt. Sighing, you dabbed the towel at the stain but it was of no use; the brown coffee marks didn't look like they were going to fade anytime soon 

"Here." A shirt appeared in front of me. I looked up, nearly choking on my saliva.

"Was that necessary?" Your face was scarlet red, and you squirmed as you snatched the shirt from him before turning away. 

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