Chapter one: The broken

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Your POV

Me and V just started dating and what could be better than a date to the amusement park. Well I can tell you. I am afraid of heights... get motion sickness and WHAT a coincidence that the amusement has the things the trigger these symptoms, but I mean it's all for love. I love V and what's not to love about him. He is the most popular boy at school. He might be childish at times, but I mean come on.... you got to give him credit... it's adorable. It's not everyday that you get to see someone with those luring eyes, beautiful lips, a VERY symmetrical face if I must say so myself. (Not saying I stare at him... maybe) He has the most fluffiest hair ever and he is always surprising girls with new hair colors and brand name clothes, especially when it comes with jaw dropping prices. Some how, out of every girl in the school I got him. I asked him out after years of knowing him since I was little and finally, I brought up the courage to ask him out. Ok, I know it's a little weird that I asked him, but you got to make a move when the boy won't or the gap differences between Girl_ friend and Girlfriend will forever stay. This area my friends is called the friendzone. He said yes and told me how he has liked me since seventh grade , when we were at his house watching horror movies and I jumped and hugged him. He apparently thought it was cute that he found my weakness, cough cough, also roller coasters.

Doesn't this sound like a typical manga story. I found my prince, which was my childhood friend and just randomly liked me at the same time and now we are dating. You got the whole SHABAM, the whole story, and what would I hate about this exactly...let me just tell you what ruins this perfect romance story.

At the amusement park, holding hands with V while girls stare at him (and probably wonder why I'm with him)

V sees the first ride I will become victim to... the SCREEM. WTH it's not even spelled correctly! This creator does not care for the future generation. He spells it incorrectly and puts them on a death ride that will make you "SCREEM" to death. The most perfect ride for me and he pulls me along into this horror machine made for "amusement". I know it seems like I'm complaining on and on and you want me to just get to the romance. I got it.

We get in the line and we see couples all around, the girls holding the guys arm and pretending to shake in fear to get his attention and love her, but I am actually the one scared here and I try to act cool by not being girly. This is another reason for me to question why V likes me, me of all people. It's our turn and we get into the ride. you will probably see me in the pictures screeching in fear or doing something stupid. Sigh. V looks all happy and not nervous at all. He turns to me with his handsome face of his and has the cutest smile. My heart melts at the sight of his happy smile. Honestly I could feel the girls behind us also melting, but thinking he is mine makes me even happier. Just imagine a beautiful man with fluffy hair, with soft brown eyes, tall fit body, the cutest smile, the fanciest clothes, and him looking directly at you and holding your hand. That's right I can hear your screams and giggles and little hearts bursting. That is me on the inside. Suddenly the ride starts and we fall forward into a spiral with the ride going so fast, I close my eyes and scream. I suddenly feel my hand being held even tighter ,and I turn to see V squeezing my hand while putting a ring on my finger. I gasp not realizing we were on a rollercoaster and tears come out of my eyes.

He yells to my ear, " I wanted to surprise and I got this cute ring in the shop below because I wanted to have something to tell the guys you are mine.".

"I'm already yours", I said.

I couldn't say anything because I was still screaming. He looked so sad at my response, but I literally couldn't do anything in fear of my death. The ride finally ended and I got of and dashed to the bathroom to calm down. After I came out V was waiting outside, but girls were surrounding him as usual. I walked up to him and he blatantly ignored me. I was so confused.

"V, come on let's get going.", I say thinking he didn't see me, but he just continues to talk to the girl next to him. I get angry and pull him up. I drag him to the other side.

"What is going on with you?! Did I do something?", I ask him with concern.

"Well you would think a guy would except something when he gives his girlfriend a ring, but I mean it just might be.", V says with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

I boil in anger. How can he not realize how scared I had been of rollercoasters for I don't know all my life?! He has known me since we were little, but he doesn't notice this?! I cried for goodness sakes?!

"Oh, you want to be talking about something that you expect! I would think my childhood friend would notice that I am scared of ROLLERCOASTERS!", I scream at him.

He just stares at me with shock. I can't believe him. He doesn't have anything to say! I thought he would be a great boyfriend, but this just ruined our friendship.

"Honestly, why didn't you tell me that? I wouldn't have come here than!", V says with a desperate sigh.

"Well you looked so happy to come here!", I told him.

"That's your fault. You should have told me though.", he says.

"My fault... this is my fault!", I stutter with anger.

"No! I mean...uh...", he realizes his mistake, but it is too late.

"You know what this isn't going to work.", I tell him. "I need time to take a break", I turn back towards the entrance.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the university.", he tells me. I wave at him and leave.

It gets worse from this point on.

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