The Fall

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-your POV-

"Angel!" Ladybug yelled to me from behind. "Yeah?" I yelled back and turned around to her fighting off one of the birds. "Oh.." I said to myself. I jumped up on top of the creatures head and pulled on its feathers. "Down! Down!" I yelled. It screeched at me and opened its huge wings. "Oh my god..." I whispered before it took off with me still on. "AHHH!" I yelled as we flew further and further in the air. "Jump!" Chat Noir yelled to me from the ground. "WHAT?! NO!" I yelled back to him. "Trust me!" He yelled again and used his staff to lift him up to me. I sighed and jumped off. Chat caught me and sent us back down. "Thanks, Chat." I told him and got out my whip. "It's okay ma chéri~" he purred and kissed my forehead. I giggled and pushed him away. " hurry up kitty we have some birds to catch" I told him. "Uh! Guys! That's not the only one!" Claudia yelled from the top of a building. I looked to her, she was pointing to a girl with some feathers scattered around her body. "Oh my..." Chat whispered to himself before sneezing. "Why feathers?!" He shouted. "Your allergic?" I asked him with a little giggle. He nodded and wiped his nose. "Well than let's hurry!" I yelled. "Chat, go help LB with the birds. Shy-Claudia! Help me with the girl!" I yelled again. They nodded and went to do there thing. I quickly jumped up to the top of the tower, where the girl is. "Hey hey hey. Everything's fine, why don't we calm down" I told her in a gentle voice. "No! I'm sick of this place and I want to fly away from it! If you won't let me than I'll have to get rid of you!" She yelled to me. "Why are you sick of it?" I questioned. She made a mad face. "That's not for you to know!" She yelled and tried to push me off. She missed me and almost fell off but I caught her in time. I wrapped her hands behind her back with my whip. "Where is your akuma?" I asked as I looked around her body. "You can't have it!" She yelled. She was trying to hide something within her shirt. 'A necklace?' I thought. I pulled the chain on the back of her neck until a small feather came out. "Yes!" I yelled and ripped it in half. "NO!" She yelled as she turned back to her normal self. I started talking to her and forgot the akuma. "Hey, your okay now honey" I told her as I unwrapped her hands. "Yeah... thanks.." she whispered and looked away. "Your welcome" I told her and gave her a hug. She seemed a bit surprised but hugged me anyway. "Let's get you down" I told her and picked her up. "Alright hold on!" I yelled as I jumped off the tower, I used my whip to land us safely.
Soon reporters and random civilians came up to question us. "Hey! That's my daughter! Move it!" Some middle aged man yelled as he pushed his way threw the crowds. "Thank you Angel" he told me with a smile. I nodded and handed him the girl. "Stay safe little one!" I yelled and walked over to Claudia.
"Hey" she told me with a smile. "Where were you?" I asked her. "I was fighting off the other one so you could get her!" She yelled and jumped on top of a building with me. I sighed. "Okay.. did LB get the akuma?" I questioned. "We thought you did?" She told me puzzled. "Oh no...." I whispered. "Shit!" Claudia yelled. "Yeah..." I repliedas our Miraculouses beeped. "Let's go" I told her and lead the way to my house.

-time skip-

"Adrien how are we supposed to get the akuma? Do we just wait till it comes back two times harder?" I asked with a frown. "I don't know.." he told me while trying to think of what to do. Then we heard yelling.
"HELP SHE'S GONNA JUMP!" Someone yelled from a distance. I quickly ran outside and looked over to the tower by instinct. There was a 12 year old girl that was about to jump off. She was crying everywhere, she took a few steps to the edge. Everyone ran over to the tower leaving me and Adrien to change unnoticed. "Cocoa! LETS BOUNCE!" I yelled and transformed. The girl was really about to fall. I used my teleportation power to go up there quickly. "STOP!" I yelled and grabbed her. I pulled her into a tight hug as she struggled to get out. Chat Noir was on his way here but he was going to make it if she falls now. "Let me go! I want to die! Nothing's going right and no one loves me!" She yelled while fighting me. I waved off an akuma that was trying to get her. It got really close to my foot so I stomped on it. I smiled. "Okay little one, look at me." I told her and bent down to her. "So many people love you, I love you, and so does Chat Noir and Ladybug. Wwe love all of you and never want to see you in danger. That is why we protect this city" I told her. She was still crying and trying to break free from my arms. "No! I don't care!" She yelled and got lose from my arms. "NO!" I yelled and jumped latter her. I quickly grabbed her as my transformation started to ware off. 'Damnit! Now? I can't save us! Wait but I can save her...' I told myself and wrapped the little one in my arms.  My backside was facing the ground and the girl was on top of me so she won't get hurt. "CHAT! CHAT NOIR HELP! NOW!" I yelled while falling to the ground quickly. I started to slightly crying as we inched closer to the ground. My head was first to hit than my back and legs.
'I can't have this baby girl dying so young just because of a bad beginning. I know where she's been and she can make it with someone to help her.' 
Seconds start to pass. "it's okay baby girl.." I whispered to her before we hit.
I felt arms under mine that helped me to stay upbut both my hells slammed to the concrete breaking every bone within my feet. "ANGEL!" Chat Noir yelled before I blacked out from the pain. I felt him cover my face, probably trying to hide my identity. I also felt the little girl get off of me then hug me and cry. Then I was completely blacked out.


Haha cliffhanger.

I'll write you soon tho.

~Author J~

-The New Girl From The USA-   {Chat Noir X Reader} -!-COMPLETED-!-Where stories live. Discover now