Chapter 7

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~Rainbowdash's POV~

I groaned as I shuffled around in bed, not wanting to surrender to getting up.

Suddenly a knock comes from my front door.

"Who wakes up at this time at the morning?" I mumble to myself.

I woddle over to my door. Catching a glimpse of my reflection in a nearby vase (Fluttershy gave me that for my birthday last year) I quickly run my hooves through my mane, hopefully making it look acceptable.

The knock grew impatient. I answered it to reveal derpy, the messenger.

"Delivery for rainbow dash!" She said, emphasizing on random words.

"Oh hey derpy...Hey look at me will-oh wait, never mind."

Derpy handed me the package and I nodded thankfully then closed the door.

Anxiously, I began unwrapping the brown paper. There were three things inside. A letter, an envelope and a bunch of red roses. 

I read the letter first.

'Dear Rainbowdash,

I never knew how strongly I felt about you until the other day. Your eyes sparkle a wonderful magenta, your main dances gracefully as you fly at 100 miles an hour. I love you rainbowdash, please come to my show this Saturday.

With all my love, Soarin. x'

My cheeks turned crimson as I read it. I still remembered faintly that night with applejack and I, not caring about anything. I remember how strong our friendship is. Now that soarin is giving me roses, I feel like a girl. In fact, only girly girls swooned over boys. Applejack wasn't like that.

She was brave, strong, independent and simple.

I ripped the thought of applejack from my mind. I carefully opened the envelope with my mouth and let the paper float down.

2? What am I going to do with two? I thought.

Who is a really big wonderbolts fan... Scootaloo? Hmph, she can't even fly. She probably couldn't even stand on the clouds. I hang my head sadly, that my adopted sister/biggest fan, couldn't come.

"I guess I owe applejack for the other day..." I spoke to myself. "And she does like hanging out with me, so I guess my mind is made up!"

I have a quick energy shake and start flying to sweet Apple acres.



Short chapter!

*puts shades on* deal with it!

Thanks for reading! Appledash rules! Woho!

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