Chapter 4

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I'm going to start writing with PoVs because they are easier for me to write.

Kaylene's POV

'Wake up, Kaylene.' I can hear a voice. It's so soft, so familiar, and I obey. I open my eyes and a bright light blinds me for a second, until they adjust to the lighting. Am I in I can see Grimsley's face staring down at me.

'Kaylene. You're awake!'

'Um yeah! You told me to wake up so I did!'

Grimsley let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank Arceus. I was so worried! I was just sitting down here for almost four hours, and-'

'I've been asleep for four hours! I missed lunch! And you were waiting for me to wake up the entire time? Thanks!'

He blushed slightly and replied, 'Um, yes. I couldn't let you lie down there by yourself! Oh, and here is you lunch.' Grimsley handed a box with some rice and meat. I devoured the food in about two minutes and he laughed.

'Careful there. You don't want to choke! Oh, and the nurse said you could leave once you woke up. Since today is only the first day at the academy, we'll be spending it in our dorms with our roommates for bonding, or something. Do you want to go back now? Oh and I think Skyla has to say something to you.'

I nodded and Grimsley picked me up bridal style. My cheeks heated up so I turned and looked away. Soon, we reached my dorm. He walked in and placed me on my bed. 'Rest here. I have to go now.' Grimsley leaned down and kissed my forehead. KISSED MY FRICKIN FOREHEAD! As he started to walk away, I called out to him.

'G-grimsley! Wait!' he turned around to look at me. 'Thanks for everything.' He gave me a heartwarming smile before leaving. I touched the spot on my forehead where Grimsley kissed me.

'Umm.' someone tapped on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Skyla.

'I'm sorry Kaylene. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to do that, I swear! I thought you were just faking it, and-'

'Shhh. It's okay! I know you didn't do it on purpose, Skyla. It's fine.'

'Y-you forgive me?'

'I forgive you!'

'Thank you so much!' Skyla wrapped me in a tight hug. 'oh and Kaylene...the way Grimsley cared for you...he may actually like you!'

'H-he likes me!?'


Grimsley's heart was beating. Fast. Why, you may ask? The answer was Kaylene. Yes, the flirty, playboy, 'vampire' Grimsley has fallen in love. He didn't know what was so spectacular about her. She was cute, in her own way. Grimsley loved how she tied her ponytail low to look normal, but it didn't hide how adorable she was. Grimsley lying down on his bed, thinking about Kaylene. She made his heart flutter, made him blush, made him want to spend time with her. He wanted to-

'Sup' bro!'

Grimsley looked up. One of his good friends and roommates, Marlon, was sitting beside him. 'Whatcha thinking bout? Hmm lemme guess. A crush?'

Grimsley gasped and sat up. 'How did you know?'

Marlon just laughed. 'Bullseye! Now, who is it? Is it that cute girl with the plaits and the blue sweater? Because I like her! What was her name? Candice, I think?'

'No, Candice is okay, but it's not her.' Grimsley sighed. 'It's Kaylene.'

Marlon whistled. 'Ooh, that chic. I heard she's only fifteen.'

The dark haired man's eyes widened. 'Only fifteen? Is she that good at battling!?'

The surfer only shrugged. 'Don't know, heard it from Skyla when you where at the hospital with Kay.'

Grimsley stood up. 'I need to find her.' With that said, he ran out if the room.


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