Hey! You go girl!

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"Winter was so long that I thought spring would never come!" Kaede complained as the weather started to finally lighten up. "I'm going to miss winter though because now there's no more snow days to come." Kokichi said casually. "What are you, a little kid?" Rantarou asked with a small chuckle. "Hey! I am a man!" Kokichi exclaimed defensively. "Whatever you say." Kaede said with a small laugh. "I mean it!" Kokichi insisted, his face in a childish pout.

The three were just walking around the park, trying to find something to do. It was a weekend and the three decided that it would be nice to meet up for once due to the weather improving. "Are you sure it won't come off at least a little suspicious for three teenagers to be idly walking in the park at a Saturday?" Rantarou asked. "Well I mean we can just say that we're walking our dog. Now someone go on all fours and wear a leash!" Kokichi demanded. "Dude what the hell?!" Rantarou responded in a scolding tone. "I was lying. I don't even have a leash, let alone a pair of faux dog ears." Kokichi responded, his tone surprisingly calm. "You know that someone can still get the wrong idea just by hearing you say that out loud." Kaede said with a sigh. "Okay true, we don't need people thinking that I'm into pet play. Like seriously! That's so weird!" Kokichi responded in agreement. "Yeah especially since everyone already has the wrong idea about you being related to Komaeda-senpai—" "BOI I WOULD NOT BE TALKING!" Kokichi continued to rant at Rantarou for his joke, going on and on about how different he is from Nagito whilst reminding Rantarou that people have called him 'green Nagito' before. "Um.. Amami-kun.." Kaede said sheepishly and Rantarou looked at her. "Yeah, whats up?" He asked. "Can I uh hide behind you?" She asked. "Why? Who's hurting you? I will spill panta in their shoes when they're not looking!" Kokichi said defensively, pumping up his fists to show he's serious. "N-no! No one is hurting me at all..!" Kaede exclaimed. "Just please Amami-kun!" Kaede pleaded. Rantarou just moved aside so she could take position.

Rantarou was confused until he looked ahead. That is when he noticed the girl that Kaede saw at the bus a few days ago. "Oh it's because it's her, right?" Rantarou asked and he could feel Kaede nod. "Her?" Kokichi asked. Rantarou sighed. "Remember when I told you that Akamatsu developed a crush?" Rantarou reminded Kokichi, hearing a groan from Kaede. "Oh wait! That's her crush?" Kokichi asked as he looked at the other girl who was sitting on a bench, reading a novel. She seemed to be focused on it. She wore a simple grey turtleneck sleeveless sweater with black jeans, accompanied by dark colored heels. "At least she's better looking than Iruma-chan." Kokichi murmured. "I guess you can say that. She just also happens to be another student from Saishuu. At least that's what I think since in the morning bus, she left with Saihara." Rantarou explained. "Wait! Saihara-chan is also in the morning bus?!" Kokichi asked, his tone a little too loud. "I thought we told you." Rantarou said but Kokichi shook his head. "Nuh uh! If you did, I would've raised hell by now!" Kokichi pressed. "Man I need to start convincing mom to let me take the morning bus, I'm missing too much.." Kokichi added with a feigned pout. "Well, not too much happens. At least you don't need to overhear loud phone calls and crying babies in the morning." Rantarou said calmly. "True true! Anyway what's with the Saishuu students being snacks?! Like man! Both of you like students from there!" Kokichi said to bring the former topic back into light and Kaede groaned while Rantarou just let out an irritated sigh. "Who said that I like him?!" Rantarou said but Kokichi giggled, not providing a proper answer.

"G-guys can we not stand around..? Like can we continue walking around..?" Kaede asked timidly, peeking her head slightly out from behind Rantarou's back. "Huh? Is it because you're too scared to talk to her?" Kokichi asked innocently. "Gee, what happened to our jumpy and outgoing Akamatsu-chan." Kokichi added with feigned disappointment. "I can get nervous too y'know! I'm also human!" Kaede called out. "Calm down you two, let's continue walking. Maybe we can find a diner or something to chill in." Rantarou suggested and the two eventually calmed down and went with his suggestion. Kaede began to emerge from Rantarou's back and walked by his side again. She looked back at the girl who was still sitting on the bench. Kaede smiled a little as she stared at the girl, her pace slowing, eventually lagging behind her two friends. She could feel herself forgetting where she was going. Before she knew it, all she could hear is Kokichi saying "uh Akamatsu-chan.." and Rantarou calling out her name before she toppled backwards, tripping over something as silly as a rock.

Kaede closed her eyes shut, preparing for the pain of the impact. Preparing for the burning feeling on her legs as her skin would scrape against the asphalt and gravel of the paved sidewalk. However, the feeling never came. Instead, she felt a cold hand hold her own. Kaede slowly opened her eyes, expecting to see Rantarou but blushed when she saw the girl instead. She looked lightly concerned as her features had softened. Kaede couldn't help but to be more mesmerized as she saw the girl up close. Her green eyes had a pleasant peridot hue, surrounded by dark lashes and her hair a pleasantly light brown. Her skin was porcelain pale, like a doll's. "Hey, are you alright?" Her voice rang into Kaede's ears, snapping her out of her trance of admiration. Crap, how long has she been staring?

"Uh Yeah..! T-thank you..!" Kaede said, trying to sound like her boisterous self despite being nervous out of her mind. She could feel herself about to sweat buckets. Kaede began to stand up, her hand still being held as the girl assisted her. Kaede liked the feeling of the other girl's hand, her fingers were slim and elegant. Kaede could feel disappointment when she was standing and the girl let go of her hand. "My apologies." The girl suddenly said politely as she bowed her head. "O-oh no! I tripped, it wasn't your fault!" Kaede tried to reassure the girl. "If you say so. You're not hurt or anything, are you?" The girl asked. "No really! I'm fine!" Kaede reassured with a smile. "Alright, that's good. Please be careful next time." The girl said calmly as she began to face away. "W-Wait!" Kaede called back and the girl turned around. "Um.. actually.." Kaede fumbled, she's never been this nervous before. She's flirted with girls before with no problem so why was she suddenly so shaky around this one girl? She looked over to see her friends waiting for her. It didn't seem like they were paying attention, it looked like Kokichi teasing Rantarou as he tried to stop him from possibly making a fool out of all three of them.

"Do you want to say something?" The girl asked politely. "Y-Yeah! I want to.. y'know.. talk to you!" Kaede finally managed to cough out. This was too awkward for her. The girl raised an eyebrow. "Do I know you?" She asked. "N-no you don't. Um.. I'm from Hopes peak and you're from Saishuu, right?" Kaede asked. "How do you know that?" The girl responded. "Oh, um, you board the same morning bus as me and I saw you left with one of my friends that also goes there." Kaede explained. There was nothing wrong with calling Shuuichi her friend, right? "I see then. What did you wish to discuss with me?" The girl asked. She spoke so formally, which seemed so charming to Kaede. It also didn't help that she didn't even show a single trace of bashfulness. She was perfectly calm about this whole situation of suddenly talking to a girl that she hasn't even seen before and probably didn't even know existed. "W-well uh.. I-I want to get to know you, that's all..!" Kaede managed to let out.

"There's no need to be so nervous. If you wish to get to know me, then so be it. I'm Kirumi Toujo." The girl calmly introduced herself with unfazed elegance. "Nice to meet you! I-I'm Kaede Akamatsu!" Kaede said, trying not to blush even harder than she already was. Kirumi gave another respectful bow. "It is nice to meet you. Now I apologize but I must go at the moment." She said politely. "W-Wait! Can I at least have your number so we can talk a little more..?" Kaede nervously asked. "Alright, if that's what you wish." Kirumi responded and they exchanged numbers. They said farewell and Kaede approached her friends, giving a sheepish and shaky thumbs up.

(A/N: sorry for the no amasai in this chapter, I just needed to write some of that sweet yuri ya feel?)

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