Chapter 14: Betrayed

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Mufasa got ready for bed slowly while watching Sarabi with her mother. Pikra had fallen asleep after Rafiki had fed her the fruit. She wasn't moaning anymore and didn't snap at Sarabi when she settled behind her since she was too large to sit in her mother's nest anymore.

"May I sleep next to you?"

Mufasa lifted his head and smiled when he saw Rafiki. "Of course! I just moved out of the nest that I shared with my parents. There's plenty of room beside it," Mufasa offered as he sunk his teeth into the edge of the leaves that littered his nest. He began to spread them on the ground beside him for Rafiki.

Rafiki took a few handfuls and spread them out. Once he was satisfied, he jumped straight onto it and curled before he laid down. He let out a relief filled sigh. "Thank you for being so kind to me, Mufasa."

"You helped Sarabi's mother. That means that you're a friend of mine," Mufasa explained. He cast one more glance at her by Pikra's side.

Rafiki snapped his fingers and turned Mufasa's attention back to him. He laughed joyfully. "So, you do like her," he gushed. "Of course!"

"Shut your muzzle," growled Mufasa as he hit his shoulder against Rafiki's. Rafiki continued to laugh while Mufasa practically burned in embarrassment. He glanced over to Sarabi and let out a breath of relief that she hadn't actually witnessed Rafiki's comment.

He rested his head on his paws with his eyes closing. He was nearly asleep when he heard a strange hissing sound behind him. His head snapped around, but he froze in terror when he saw a snake with it's mouth opened, poised to strike at any moment.

Before it could, Rafiki stepped in front. Mufasa let out a yelp, but the snake didn't strike. "Come on, you don't need to strike."

The snake opened it's mouth to reveal its fangs. "And what would you know about it," the snake replied while still flexing his fangs.

"Because, the momentary relief that you find in striking this lion is nothing compared to what awaits the rest of your life," Rafiki began.

Mufasa took the opportunity to rise to his paws and skirt as far away from the snake as possible. He breathed heavily with his eyes flickering. He stumbled back before he heard a yelp. His own yowl echoed before he realized that it was Sarabi behind him.

"Are you alright," breathed Sarabi in worry. She then let out a wail when she saw the snake just a tail length away from them. She shied backwards, panting heavily as her eyes rounded in alarm.

Mufasa pressed against her and nuzzled her cheek. "It's okay. Nothing's going to happen. I'm here," whispered Mufasa as he pressed against her.

Sarabi trembled as Rafiki picked up the snake and deposited outside. He returned a moment later with a determined smile on his face. "It's alright," he chided. "That snake isn't going to give us anymore trouble."

"It was going to bite me," reported Mufasa with a bare of his teeth. "Do you honestly think that he's not going to give me anymore trouble?"

"I already spoke to him. He didn't come up with this plan by himself," Rafiki argued as he stretched out a hand and rested it on Mufasa's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"About what," pressed Sarabi intently.

Rafiki turned away and sighed heavily. He ran his fingers through his fur on top of his head. "Granted, the snake could be lying."

"Just spit it out," snarled Mufasa. He instantly swallowed his words when he realized that other lions were sleeping. However, most of them began to stir as soon as Mufasa let out his roar.

A moan sounded as Maduro rolled onto his underbelly. "Mufasa, what are you doing? Some of us are actually trying to sleep!"

No point in being quiet now. He leaped in front of Rafiki with his fur standing on end. "Just spit it out! How did the snake come up with this if he didn't want to attack me on his own?"

Rafiki's mouth when dry as he tried to answer. "Well, let's just say that the promise of food in a time of famine and drought is very, very tempting to any creature to do anything. In fact-"

    "Rafiki! Just tell me who did this," pleaded Mufasa.

    Rafiki lifted his head and spoke a name with emotion void from his voice. "Taka."

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