Chapter 20: Hunt

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Mufasa arose early the next morning. He shook out his fur to clear it as he forced himself out of his nest. He pulled himself gingerly away from Sarabi so that he didn't wake her up. She let out a low moan and flicked her paws over her muzzle before she went still.

She deserves to rest. I'll take some lionesses with me and let her sleep.

He padded around in the darkness before he accidentally tripped on Arvarni's tail. The lionesses's head darted upward and sniffed the air. "What's the big idea," she hissed.

"Hush," chided Mufasa. The only one that heard was Dorvro as her head lifted with she bared her teeth in a snarl. "I'm leading a patrol and hunting party. Would you two like to come?"

Arvarni snorted in amusement. "A prince leading a hunting patrol? That's a new one," she pointed out as she rose to her paws stiffly.

"Just because I'm a prince, doesn't mean that I don't have to contribute," pointed out Mufasa proudly. He stretched out a paw and nudged Dorvro. "You coming?"

"Might as well," the lionesses answered as she rose to her paws. She arched her back in a massive stretch. "I have no problem that my prince is leading a hunting party. The more lions that contribute to the better. At least he's trying. Taka just lays there. Entitled mangepelt!"

"Watch your language," chided Uru as she started to rise from her place. Her eyes were flickering as they took in the light around the room. "Some lions try."

Arvarni rolled her eyes. "Stop defend him," she muttered as she padded forward with the rest of the lionesses and Mufasa pad forward.

Mufasa took the lead with his shoulders tensed. He took in a deep breath and recalled every lesson that Ahadi had ever taught him. I can do this. If Ahadi trusts me, then I know that I can do it.

"Follow me," Mufasa announced as he bunched his muscles and climbed down the the rockface with Arvarni, Dorvro, and Uru right behind.

They landed on the ground gingerly. Mufasa looked down and lifted his paw to reveal mud caked to his paws. He lifted his head to taste the air with his mouth slightly parted. His mouth began to watch as he detected the scent of the zebra herd. They had migrated from the east fields to the south, the closest territory to the Pride Lands that Mufasa knew about.

"Where are we going, my prince," asked Arvarni as she drew forward and dipped her head to Mufasa as she crept forward.

"Follow me," Mufasa commanded as he bunched his muscles and surged forward. The three lionesses followed as silently as possible. Mufasa copied their movements. His body was proportioned differently than them and it took him a while to fall into their rhythm. Eventually, he fell in besides Uru and was able to feel his muscles tensed against hers so that she could help control his muscle movements.

They arrived at the edge of the herd and Mufasa instantly lowered down by the bushes. His underbelly touched against the ground with his breath slightly coming in short spurts. Excitement tinged at his paws as the other lionesses drew around him. Their eyes were narrowed as they looked at him for the signal.

"Okay, Uru and myself will lead them toward Arvarni and Dorvro. You two have to be ready to jump out and surprise them, alright," Mufasa whispered.

Arvarni and Dorvro exchanged a quick glance before they crept forward through the bushes silently. Mufasa crouched beside Uru. Uru rocked back and from from her right paw to her left paw. Mufasa felt his stomach clench and eyes round as he tried to pick out the weakest zebra and drive it away from the group.

"You're alright," whispered Uru gently as she purred lightly to her son. "You can do this. Just relax and on your signal, I'll follow you."

Mufasa nodded before he took off, Uru right at his side. His muscles moved ferociously against the ground and with purpose. His fur stood on end as he pinpointed his target.

An elderly looking zebra with a wound deep in its haunch strayed farther from the others. It's head bowed when it tried to eat, but it just snuffled against the grass instead of actually chewing on it.

Mufasa took off toward it with Uru quickly flanking it on the other side. The zebra let out a shrill call as Mufasa leaped in front of it. The zebra reared on it's hind legs, kicking it's hoofs toward Mufasa. Mufasa quickly leaped back in surprise as it's limbs flailed around without purpose.

Uru let out a snarl before she slammed her head into it's haunches. The zebra stumbled forward and out of her grasp. Mufasa and Uru charged after it and steered it to exactly where Arvarni and Dorvro were hiding in the bushes. Sure enough, they leaped out in front of the zebra as Mufasa and Uru drove it straight toward them.

Arvarni leaped into the air and latched onto the zebra's shoulder. She instantly took it down with her teeth sunk into the base of the zebra's throat. Dorvro went for the legs to pin it down while Mufasa and Uru went for the haunches. The zebra let out a few squeals and struggled to buckle under their weight. In a swift motion, Arvarni nicked the jugular and blood started to pool onto the grass. She gave one more sharp bite before the zebra went completely limp at their paws.

    Mufasa opened his mouth and tried not to droll as the scent of the zebra and the flash and blood in his mouth made his mouth water. He ran his tongue over his chomps before he took a step back. He glanced up at Arvarni and saw that blood doused her paws, chest, neck, and muzzle. Arvarni licked the blood away while her eyes gleamed in triumph.

    "Great catch," Uru praised the two lionesses.

    Dorvro shook her head bashfully. "Well, it was Mufasa's idea. I'm pretty sure that we couldn't have done it without him."

    "Thanks for embarrassing me, but I'm sure that you would've done just fine," Mufasa replied as he felt heat rise into his ears. "But, I would like to reserve a rather large piece of it."

    Uru glanced at her son up and down. She sniffed his flank and drew back. "Are you that hungry?"

    "Not for me! Maraan!"

    "What's wrong with Maraan? Abaku hasn't said anything about," pointed out Arvarni as concern showed in her eyes for the deaf lioness.

    I probably shouldn't have said anything! This was Maraan's news to share, not mine! I can act as excited as I want about these cubs, but they're not mine, he reminded himself.

    "You'll have to ask her yourselves," replied Mufasa as he leaned down and sunk his teeth into the warm flesh. "Let's get this back. Everyone will feast tonight!"

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