Chapter 15: Disgrace

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    Mufasa stormed over to Taka, despite Sarabi's words. He ripped his brother from his paws. His eyes had been close, but his breathing wasn't even either. Mufasa dragged his brother out of the den as he kicked and snarled in an attempt to force his brother to release him. His ears shoved forward, but Mufasa managed to drag him with almost no effort.
    He threw Taka against the ground. Taka gasped in surprise as the breath was knocked out of him. Mufasa shot out a paw and pressed it against Taka's throat. Taka squirmed under his brother as his hind legs limply toward Mufasa's chest. Taka's eyes started to turn glassy as he struggled for breath.

    Mufasa suddenly staggered when he felt a paw thrust against his shoulder. He staggered sideways before he spun around and noticed that Ahadi had been the one to shove him off. Mufasa shook his head to clear it as he turned back to his father.

    "What is going on here," Ahadi growled with his teeth bared at both of his sons. "Everyone else is trying to sleep in there!"

    Mufasa pinned his ears against his head as he listened to his father scold him. He licked his chomps as he noticed Taka rise to his paws. He stumbled a bit with his hind leg sprawled behind him. He shook his head as he finally managed to sit up while coughing painfully.

    "It was nothing," rasped Mufasa after a moment. He shot a look to his brother. Don't you dare say anything more!

    Taka gulped. "Right, nothing."

    Ahadi narrowed his eyes. He glared at both of his sons as Uru padded out from the den. "What's going on," Uru asked in alarm. Her whiskers twitched in alarm as she glanced over to her sons. "Mufasa, Taka? What's going on? Ahadi?"

    "Nothing," Mufasa growled as he saw Sarabi's face peek out from the den. She glanced at Mufasa in shock and worry while her eyes shone.

    He stormed past his parents and stopped at Sarabi's side. His friend met his gaze, despite him trying to look away. "Hey, look at me," urged Sarabi gently. "This isn't the place to do this or the time? Just relax. We don't even know if that snake is telling the truth."

    Mufasa's face fell. "Sorry. I didn't meant to startle you or Pikra," he whispered in hear ear.

    Sarabi pulled away from him and kinked her tail over his back. "Follow me and try to wipe that growl off you face. You scared everyone a moment or so ago," she pointed out as she padded forward slowly.

    Mufasa flinched as he headed in. He was well aware of everyone's gaze clear on him. He tried to shrink down, but wasn't able to conceal himself that much behind Sarabi. He was about to make his way back over to Rafiki when he was aware that Sarabi was leading him in another direction. He followed her numbly as he heard a few voices murmuring about him.

    "What was that about?"

    "Some king he'll make."

    "What could cause him to just lash out like that?"

    "Sibling rivalry to the extreme!"

    "Just ignore them," suggested Sarabi as she turned and rested her paws on his shoulders to try and hold him down. Mufasa lowered down and rested his head on his paws. "They'll stop whispering about that in a little bit. You'll just antagonize them to argue it. Then again, you probably shouldn't have reacted to Taka in that way again."

    "But, he-"

    "Yes, I'm well aware. Please, just settle down so that we can sleep," pleaded Sarabi as she stretched her jaws in a massive yawn. "Tomorrow is my first hunting patrol. I'd like to make a good impression."

    Mufasa's eyes flashed in surprise. "Sarabi, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I-"

    "You know, you're really starting to talk too much," complained Sarabi. She settled down next to her mother protectively with her tail rested on her shoulder comfortingly.

    Mufasa lowered down and noticed Taka, Uru, and Ahadi all coming back in. He ducked his head around Sarabi's shoulder. He breathed heavily before the sound of Sarabi's soft breathing urged him to relax and drift off into a deep sleep.

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